Chapter Two: Misaki Morton

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You can't Be Her Daddy!💕💕

As Kurosawa Yuusuke woke up the next morning, a beautifully clear Sunday, he could feel that something was remarkably different. It wasn't necessarily the fact that his sister was staying with him temporarily either. It was something that was almost intangible, something that couldn't even be described in words that was going on. Whatever this was, he didn't want it to change, and in fact he welcomed this new sensation. While he contemplated this new change, Satsuki poured him a cup of coffee into a glass mug.

"So...How did it go?" Satsuki's voice broke Yuusuke's contemplation and he blinked to reorient himself.

"How did what go?"

"The date silly. At the cafe a few blocks, Kon Kon, was it? Like a foxes call?"

"I told you that wasn't a date. I merely went there to meet up with an old friend."

Satsuki sighed as she placed two plates of eggs and bacon down on the table. The sun streamed through the window and perfectly illuminated her smiling face.

"Yuusuke, you might be able to fool the people that you've just met here, but you can't fool your own sister..." Her mouth curved into a teasing grin. "So what's her name?"

"Morton...Amelia Morton."

"Is she a foreigner? That's an interesting name..."

"I didn't even get a chance to find out. Everything went terribly wrong but perfectly right at the same time....It's hard to explain." Images of the coffee being spilled on him and Amelia ever so gently rubbing it away crossed Yuusuke's mind as she responded. It wasn't altogether a bad memory.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Basically, the food was delicious and they had these adorable fox maids, but one of the waitresses spilled coffee all over my lap. It ended up working out because the waitress I wanted to talk to helped clean away the stain."

"PPPFFFFFFFT!!!!" Immediately Satsuki reeled backward, and her nose began to spontaneously bleed at the thought of what her brother just told her. Trying to catch her breath, Satsuki quickly cleaned away the blood and focused herself.

"Are you okay?" Yuusuke asked wide-eyed.

"Hahhh. Haah. Yes. Okay, so did you find out anything besides her name?"

"I found out that she is amazingly kind, and she is even more beautiful in person. "

"NO YUUSUKE!! That just won't do..." Satsuki placed a hand on both her brother's shoulders and this was the signal that always indicated to him that she was about to hit him with a flurry of advice. "When you're talking to a girl you have to find out about her INTERESTS. What sports does she like to place, where was she born, what her favorite color is. Those types of things are vitally important!" With that said, Satsuki nodded as though she was satisfied with herself and scarfed down her food.

Yuusuke returned her fervor with a smug look. "Not to worry Satsuki. There will be another chance to find out everything I need to know. I'm going on an actual date with Amelia today." Yuusuke quickly reached into his pocket and produced two movie theater tickets.

While Yuusuke proudly announced his plans for the day, Satsuki couldn't help but picture him sitting there as a small child with dimpled cheeks and the whole world ahead of him. He had been quieter than the other children his age and as a result he normally preferred to be by himself. His teacher soon took note of this and would talk about it quite often with his parents. Noticing  Yuusuke's reticent nature, Satsuki slowly began to encourage him to spend less time with her and more time with other children. They had been best friends up until this point, but Satsuki knew this would hurt him in the end. In an odd paradox, now she was sad that her encouragement had worked. Now her younger brother had his own life. Perhaps this was why she was trying her hardest to do damage control with their relationship now.

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