Chapter 5

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-It's good to know that Mr. Wolff won't arrive to a meeting we arranged 9 months in advance – said Gabriel rolling his eyes.

Nathalie wasn't surprised that Gabriel's initial thought about the memory she just told him was about work. This was her usual boss 8 years ago. Yet, she was having a really hard time trying to understand what was happening. How did her husband suddenly wake up with 8 years of his life erased from his memory? She deeply believed he must have been taken to the hospital right away, something was wrong. What if he was having a stroke? Or Alzheimer's? She was staring at his face, trying to identify any symptoms.

-Could you please stop staring at me like that? – he asked.

-I am sorry, I just... this is all so... surreal – she said lowering her gaze to the floor.

-You don't say. I woke up 8 years in the future married to my... assistant, not only that, I had a... daughter with her. You don't speak about surrealism – he snapped, anger in his voice, all this said as a complaint.

Nathalie turned her back at him. Her eyes were filling up with tears. She felt she had lost her entire life, there was a deep pain within her chest. For some reason, his words made her feel like the worst woman on earth, she felt like a complete stranger in her own house, she felt how she felt all those years ago: Disposable. She softly and quietly sobbed. She needed to get out of there.

Gabriel realized he had hurt her. He sat properly on the bed and put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from standing up and walking away.

-I am sorry... I am so sorry, Nathalie – he softly whispered, yet she didn't turn around. -This is all so...

-No... - she interrupted him. This was something she would never have done 8 years ago so Gabriel, surprised, muted instantly. -No... you can put it all on me. But not on Sophie, she loves you so much, she... she is completely innocent. So, don't... If you excuse me... I need to make sure lunch is ready... Sir – she firmly said standing up and walking towards the door, not turning around once to look at him.

-Nathalie... - Gabriel wasn't sure what words to use. -I am sorry... I... you don't have to call me Sir. I mean I am your... - he couldn't say the word.

After a few seconds Nathalie, with her back still facing him, finally broke the silence.

-That's what I thought, Sir. Excuse me.

She walked out the door, crying heavily as she walked to the kitchen.

It was almost 2 p.m. when Gabriel heard noise coming from the hallway, small feet running and Adrien's voice.

"Sophie don't run, you will trip".

Gabriel was still sitting on his bedroom's floor, going through photo albums he'd asked Adam to bring him. He hadn't seen Nathalie since their... talk.

The door suddenly opened and the same beautiful girl he saw that morning ran to him, smiling and waving a piece of paper.

-Daddy!!! – she yelled – Look what I made you!!!

When he saw her all his sorrow flew away, she was the only one in the universe with the ability to make him forget all his worries with just one smile. Gabriel immediately smiled and opened his arms receiving the little girl.

-What do you have there, baby? - He asked looking at the paper she held in her hand.

-Oh, it's a drawing I made. It's our family. - At that moment Adrien entered the room, followed by Marinette. He looked so different, so grown up. Yet, Gabriel would recognize that warm gaze anywhere. -So here it's you, mommy and Adrien and Marinette and me. And here... - she pointed at the sky of the drawing – It's Adrien's mommy, angel Emilie.

Gabriel immediately felt his heart breaking. The way his little daughter had mentioned his beloved wife... ex-wife, was just too much to handle. He raised his eyes at Adrien that was smiling back at him.

-So, what do you think, dad? Isn't she an artist? - he asked.

-Yes... yeah... yes, you are Sophie, you are so talented- Gabriel replied trying to erase Emilie's memory.

-Of course, I got it from you... Come on it's time to lunch – she said pulling his hand for him to stand up.

As they reached the dining room, Gabriel could take a glance at Nathalie, leaned over the table setting the napkins in place. Gabriel couldn't help but stare at that little opening her skirt had, the one that slightly exposed her thighs. He immediately felt a pinch of guilt in his chest. She was his wife, right? So, no need to feel guilt. Or, at least, that's what he tried to convince himself.

-Mommy!!! – Sophie ran to her with her arms opened.

-My sweet girl – said Nathalie turning around and kneeling to hug her. She kissed her forehead. -How was school today?

-It was awesome, I made a piece of art- she said letting go of Nathalie and turning to face Gabriel –You love it, right Daddy?

-Oh, I do sweetheart -Gabriel couldn't help but smile at them. He suddenly felt the need of taking this girl and this woman in his arms. He immediately rejected the idea and sat in his usual place. It was a good thing that he still owned his place in the table. That didn't change at least.

They all had lunch in peace, speaking about their respective days. Adrien and Marinette told them about college. Nathalie spoke about work and the meeting they had. Sophie spoke about kindergarten and her classmates. Gabriel would only listen to them and smile, making from time to time a comment. He was still thinking about the pictures he saw this morning in the album. His wedding with Nathalie, Nathalie sitting in the beach in a pink bikini with a beautiful baby bump, Nathalie with tears in her eyes holding a baby Sophie. Him, smiling back at the camera with Sophie in his arms, so small. Adrien and Marinette in New York. These images were real and made him feel happy. How could he have forgotten all this?

After lunch Adrien and Marinette offered to take Sophie to her bedroom for nap time, leaving only Nathalie and Gabriel in the diner. She was really focused on her tablet, as he only stared at his coffee mug, both in silence.


-Yes? -She said raising her eyes at him.

-Are you still mad at me?

-Oh, no, I was never mad. But I have thought this through and it's normal you feel confused and lost. And I am thankful you managed to spend lunch with the kids as normal as possible -she smiled at him.

-I would do anything for my kids- This time he didn't hesitate.

Nathalie smiled and nodded, looking back into her tablet.

-Nathalie, listen... would you... keep on telling me stories about... me? Us? I want to remember. -He said, eyes on the floor, not capable of staring into her ocean blue eyes.

-Are you sure?

-Yes- he finally raised his eyes at her.


-Fine, see you in the bedroom in 20 minutes. I need to send a mail first.

-Thank you.

Nathalie nodded and stood up.

-Excuse me- she said before exiting the diner.

Now it was Gabriel that felt guilty, he felt the guilt of hurting this woman that had trusted her life in his hands. He remembered his wedding with Emilie, the promise of loving her and taking care of her, every day of his life until death did them part. If he married Nathalie, he had promised the exact same thing, and he wasn't fulfilling it.

He needed to remember. 

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