Chapter 8

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Nathalie walked in silence through the mansion, her face showing a smile of satisfaction impossible to hide.

She stopped and knocked two times at Adrien's door.

-Come in – answered the kid.

-Adrien – said Nathalie opening the door.

-Nathalie, I just finished piano lesson and I'm...

-He said yes – she interrupted.

-What? – asked the kid raising his eyes at her.

-He said yes – she repeated.


-Yes- she smiled.

He ran up to her and hugged her as hard as he could.

-You are the best, Nathalie. How did you do it?

-Persuasion – she answered, smiling and holding Adrien back.

A few days ago, Adrien had asked Nathalie if she could convince his father to allow Kitty Section to practice in the mansion's auditorium.

Due to some renewals in the Couffaine's boat, the band was left without a space for practicing, and the Agreste auditorium was only used in very special occasions, so Adrien thought it was worth the try. Not only he could help his friends, but he could actively participate with them without Gabriel freaking out.

Nathalie, naturally, tried to find the best moment for her to ask him. She knew the nights, once he was tired was probably her best shot.

Gabriel was, as usual, in his bedroom, sitting in front of the TV watching the news when he heard the door.

-Come in.

Nathalie closed the door behind her.

-Good night, Sir.

-Good night, Nathalie. What are tomorrow's activities?

She started reading the schedule as every night when she suddenly stopped.

-You know... Adrien wants to ask you for a favor.

Gabriel raised his eyes to her.

-A favor?

-Yes, he wants to ask for the auditorium.

-What for? – he asked.

-His friends' band need a place to practice. Adrien thought maybe you could allow them to use the auditorium.

-You know how I feel about his friends.

-Yes, Sir. But maybe...



-I won't repeat myself.

-Listen to me, Gabriel Agreste! – said Nathalie -That kid obeys your every command, he barely asks for anything.

Gabriel was astonished, he opened his mouth, but the words wouldn't come out.

-The only thing he is asking for is a little time with his friends. Plus, they will be here in the mansion, where we can supervise them – she continued -Gabriel, I... I never ask for anything. I am asking for this.

Gabriel's mind worked as fast as it could, but honestly, at this time of night and after such a long heavy day, it was difficult. Nevertheless, he did know something: Nathalie always looked for what was best for his son.

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