Hey Angel Face

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Your pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm. I basically slapped the thing for interrupting my dreams of flying with dragons and gum drops falling from the sky.

I groaned as I flopped out of bed and stood in front of my closet. I took a deep breath as I thought about what I had to attend to today. First day of school, yeehaw...

I yawned as I pulled out my uniform and set it on my bed. Dark blue blazer... white undershirt... dark blue skirt... damn, why does it have to be so short?

I walked back to my closet, and dug out a different skirt. It was longer and just about the same color as the other one. They won't notice if I wear this instead... will they? I hope not...

I slipped on the uniform along with the longer skirt. I did my hair and everything else I needed. My parents had already left for work so it was my job to make sure I made out the door in time.

I shoved a granola bar into my mouth, quickly brushed my teeth, and walked out the door. I began the short walk to the new school. I sighed, trying to calm down.

Okay first day shouldn't be too bad... just have to get through the awkward introduction... then blend in and hide in the back of the room for the rest of the year... or until I move again... I got this...

I finally made it to the school and inside to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm new and would like to pick up my schedule. My name is Y/n L/n." The very tired lady went back into another room to grab it. I stood there and rocked back and forth on my heels as I waited. Wow this is torture...

She came back and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I sent her a sweet smile, but she just kept the same un-amused look. Okay, first thing is done! I should probably find my locker and then head to...

I squinted at the small printed letters. ...history, okay... I can pull through this...

I found my locker pretty easily, they were the kinds that went all the way down to the floor with a small shelf at the top. I decided I probably didn't need it for now, since I hadn't even gotten my textbooks or anything yet.

I made my way to history and walked up to the teacher. I had gotten there pretty early, so the room was basically empty besides the teacher. I put the fakest smile on my face as I approached.

"Hi, I'm your new student, Y/n."

"Okay, you can sit where ever." He spoke without even glancing up at me.

"Okay..." I took a seat in the far back, right next to the window. As I stared at the gloomy autumn scenery, I began to fall deep into thought.

I wonder how long it'll be until aliens find us... aliens are sick, I should draw some after school... shit! I need to finish drawing that octopus first... I wonder how it would feel like to be an octopus, what do they eat? Fish? Probably fish...

The five minute bell rang, bringing me back to reality and students began piling in through the door. Everyone was too self absorbed to notice the new kid in the corner. Good, let's keep it that way...

The bell rang once again and class started. He didn't introduce me or anything. Good, don't need to embarrass myself on the first day...

As I sat there, I began getting a few confused glances my way. Then the door slammed open, I turned my head to see a messy raven haired boy in the same boring uniform as everyone else. Nobody seemed to take notice of him. Punk boy!? Most likely...

"Hey angel face! That's my seat!" The boy said, making his way towards me.

"Oh really? I don't see your name on it," I plainly stated, "And besides, there's literally an open seat right next to you." He just looked at me, shocked that I dare say something to the all mighty punk boy.

"You don't know who you're messing with, sugar." He set his knuckles on the front desk and leaned forward.

"Oh I think I do know who I'm messing with. Let me guess, you're the bad boy around here, huh? You probably have a little group of punks that like to beat the shit out of the innocent for your own pleasure. Wait wait, not innocent..." I began to think.

"...Beat the shit out of basically anyone that uh, lemme guess 'stands in your way'..." I did air quotes, "... Anyways, I was here first. If you'd turn your head a little to the side you'll see a perfectly good seat right behind you." I said, pointing to the seat. His jaw dropped.

"I..." Was all he said before sending a glare my way and sitting down. Haha, I scared the punk kid...

Throughout the rest of class, he sent me weird looks, it was as if he was trying to say something, but couldn't quite muster the strength to say it.

"What's your name?" He finally spoke.

"Y/n, and you?"

"Gerard, but you can call me whatever you want, baby." He winked as a smirk appeared on his face. I just chuckled.

"Yeah right," I mocked.

"You're new here, aren't you?" He asked, doing a terrible job at looking as menacing as possible.


"Then you don't know me. You think you've got me all figured out, but I'm so much worse than you'd ever imagine." His voice was low.

"Yeah right, what are you gonna do? Steal my lunch money? Shove me into a locker? I've seen it all before, bud." I began to grab my bag.

"Bud!?" The bell rang just as he spoke, so I quickly made my way out of there. I made a new friend! Hahaha, they'll probably find my dead body in the cafeteria trash cans by the end of the day... okay next class! Let's go-

"Hey! Where do you think you're going!?" I turned to see Gerard, running towards me. Yeah, I don't think so...

I picked up my pace and quickly got to my next class. I took a deep breath and sat in the back, once again. The bell rang and the teacher asked me the same routine questions in front of the class. 'what's your name?' 'Where are you from?' 'Why did you move?' It's all the same...

New story my dudes! I hope you'll enjoy it! I'm so excited to write this omg, I just really hope you guys like it as much as I do! Also Tips for Getting Yourself a Vampire Boyfriend might come out a little later, just cause I haven't gotten as much time to write for it, but that's okay! Because we have this one for now! Okay island in the sun is playing so now I have to go and sing the lyrics terribly. Have a sunny day~peace out cheesebags

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