Chapter 2: How It All Started.

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I found myself laying at the floor. Tried to open my eyes heavily like I was numbed or drugged. finally i opened it and I felt everything spinning around me, a strong headache hit my head and I held my head in pain . I looked confusedly around me. I tried to stand up .."where the hell am I?"! I said .. It's a house.. A big old classy house .. I got up from the floor, I felt dizzy and tried to balance myself . I sensed something warm on my face. I put my hand on my face and it was blood.. My nose and my head was bleeding so bad .. I wiped the blood from my nose with Sleeves of the jacket I was wearing.. "what is this place?!" I waked around panicked " what am I doing here?! ".. and then the question started to flow into my head.. " wha..wh..who who am I ?!!" I stared to cry and sob "what the hell is my name?!" I couldn't remember a thing about me "is anybody here!!" I shouted and I turned around myself in case if anybody there in this place that could help me or tell me what was going on.. I started to think what if I was kidnapped.. But where is the kidnappers?!! "anyone there!!.. I need help!!.. Please!!!"..

I decided to get out from this place to get any help.. I hardly dragged my legs to find the door while feeling dizzy as hell .. I kept walking and I found it..
as soon as I opened the door I felt the air hitting my face and moving my hair.
I stepped out of the house. a big wide garden surrounded by the house and a blue swing in the corner of the garden.. the garden was neat and clean. The house and the garden weren't abandoned place unlike the street across the garden. It was empty and abandoned. There is no one out there, Literally abandoned.
I tried to run out to reach the street in case if I Walked farther away I could find anyone to help me .I was so tired to run but I dragged my legs and i force myself .. While I was struggling to run I noticed somebody was waking in the street in front of me.. "help.. Help me . I need help" I cried at him.. But he didn't answer me.. I ran faster and I was about to reach him at the street .once I tried to step out of the house's garden , a sudden painful electricity hit my body and throw me back into the garden to fell on my butt then my back .. I got up with Signs of panic on my face.. I didn't understand why I can't go out!! Why I can't step out side of the house's garden!!! .. I stand up and I tried to go out of the garden and again the Same painful electricity hit my body and throw me away .. I tried to yell at this Man but he couldn't hear or see me..i looked around me to see if anybody was there but I found nothing ..
I felt lost and I get scared .. I cried hard and I fell on my knees.. I covered my face with my hands and started to cry so much till my eyes hurts .. I wiped my tears and I took a deep breath then I looked at the sky it was cloudy and about to rain in any time so I decided to go inside the house again and see if I can find anything to help me instead of useless crying..

I get up from the floor again.. I reached the door And I tried to open it but I couldn't.. Because my smart a*s locked it by mistake when I was freaking out and trying to get any help. "Why things getting worse now!!".
I noticed a small carpet under me so I thought maybe the key was under it. And I was right.. I found a key and I opened the door.. I had no idea how I know this..
I thought to myself Why I fell Like there is someone know that I'm here why I fell like it's all planned!!.. I tried to draw my mind out of this thoughts because I was really tried and couldn't think of anything rather than being exhausting and starving..

I cautiously entered the classy house . the walls were painted dark and light brown..
on the wall there was a hanged Painting that cought my attention. A painting of a someone on a boat and this boat was sailing in the clouds.
I also found a Beige Pillar in the side of the hallway and two neat statues ..
I reached the living room and the walls were brown too.. Most of the house were almost painted dark and light brown.. three comfy brown couches Beaded with small Yellow sunflowers.. a fireplace in the corner and at the top of it there was a shelf of books, And small window that allowed the sun to find its way into the room.. I waked in the house then I went up stairs to checked the bedroom. it was so comfy that makes me wanna sleep.. But I resist sleeping anyways .. I Had alot to figure out.. I also found a room for books it was like a library but it wasn't so big to call it a library ..
And another room that full of painting and tools for drawing and so many status.. it was something like an atelier or a workshop.. This room was the only one that painted blue.. Most of the paintings were expressing suffering and pain..
I realized that The house seemed not abandoned at all.. It was like someone's place..

Finally I found the kitchen.. I hoped there was a food for me.. I could literally eat anything I would found .. But the theory of (things always getting worse) has been providing itself at that moment .. I found nothing.. No food no snacks no Beveridge nothing at all. Except water in the tap.. I drank some water to fill my empty stomach..
After I made sure that there was no one in this place, I went back to the bedroom to get some rest.. I found a mirror and I looked at it and I shocked from What I saw .. My clothes were so dusty and my hair was messy. there was so many blood on me face cause my nose and my head were still bleeding but not so bad .. My face was mixed with blood and dust and I really looked horrible.. I found some clothes in the closet.. I took a white pajamas and I went to the bathroom to take a shower and clean this mess..
I get out and I set on the bed "now what!!" I whispered to myself. I looked from the balcony.
I found the sun sat . It was almost night..the sky was raining heavily outside and the view was beautiful, quiet and peaceful.. I felt relaxed and chilled from this view .. I Sighed comfortably, for seconds, I totally forgot everything happened, I Forgot why I'm here and what should I do in my life with an empty memory..

a sudden noise in the garden draw my attention and distract my thoughts.. I looked cautiously from my balcony and I found someone with a black outfit standing in front of the house, holding a big box..

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