Confused guild leaders

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"Hello sir my name is Ritchie and this is my twin brother Brandon,Who are you."
  Micheal sounded so confused he thought they were messing around with him.
"Who know who I am don't play dumb with me." Micheal sounded angry on why they were messing with him.
  "Why are you yelling at us you're a mean person." Ritchie ran over to Brandon and they started holding each other in fear.
*Micheal thinking in his head*
(They really don't remember anything they're clueless)
  "I'm sorry for being mean. Let me start over. Hello my name Micheal I'm the guild leader for Grimshade." Micheal sounded nice. After he said it the twins stopped holding each other in fear.
"What's a guildleader?" Brandon and Ritchie said in unison.
  "Well you see a guildleader is someone who is in charge of a guild they are very strong and get to tell people what to do."
"What's a guild?" The Twins said in unison agian.
*in Micheals head again*
(Omg they are going to drive me crazy)
"Ok, well a guild is a building we're people can get invited to to join then sed guild they get job request and if they do it right they get paid."
"That's so cool I want to be a guild leader." Once again Ritchie and Brandon said in unison sounding so excited."
"Maybe one day you two will be a guild leader of your own guild." Micheal said this still confused on what had happened.
  Bri and Austin walked into the guildhall. Austin was in shocked. Bri was looking at the twins and at Micheal.
"M-me I didn't do anything I came in here and the-HEY Dont yell at Micheal you mean lady."
Ritchie interrupted Micheal and shocked Bri with a powerful lighting bolt.
"OW, ok Micheal can I talk to you in private please."
"Uh okay." Micheal said hoping Bri wouldn't blame him for all of this.
"Austin watch them." Bri sounded so mad she was about to burst.
"Why do I have to watch them they twins,twins are mean." As Austin finished his sentence Bri and Micheal already left.
"Ok so tell me what Is going on why is Ritchie and Brandon little kids I mean they cute but what happened?!!?" Bri sounded so mad at what happened but deep down inside she kinda hope they stayed kids for a while because of how cute they were.
" you have to believe me Bri I honestly have no idea what happened I walked in the guild hall I hope to talk to them and when I did they were kids and they seem not to remember anything."
Micheal still confused on how this happened.
  As they were talking they heard Austin scream.
Austin made Ritchie and Brandon Cry.
"You are a mean person."
Because he made them cry Ritchie and Brandon made it storm outside.
"Austin are you stupid don't make them cry be nice to them they don't remember anything and for all we know they could commit a crime we have to be nice to them." Bri said sounding mad at Austin but looking at The twins made her smile.
"It's ok guys the big mean guy won't hurt you I'll protect you."

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