The 2 little crimials

439 17 21

"WHAT, we need to find out a way to change Ritchie and Brandon back to normal they're brats especially Ritchie like why can't he be like Brandon who's shy and doesn't want to get in trouble." Austin begins to point at Ritchie and as he does Ritchie bites it and just laughs at him along with Bri,Brandon and Micheal.
  "Don't laugh at me friends or not we are the adults and they are the kids they need to be punished if they do something they aren't suppose to like biting my finger." Austin flares at Ritchie and as he does that Ritchie just sticks is tongue at him.
"Your right Austin even know they are our friends they need to be punished." Bri looks at Ritchie and says, " Ritchie no biting people especially adults apologize to Austin now."
"NO Austin a meany pants he deserved it."
"Ritchie you and Brandon are very cute but you need to apologize NOW."
"FINE. I'm sorry I bit your finger Austin. Now can me and Brandon go outside and play." Ritchie was really hoping that they could go outside even if it was raining he loved it.
"Fine you two can go out and play but stay close to the guild hall I don't want to risk you two getting hurt ok."
"Ok" they bother said in unison.
"You really going to let them go outside Bri."
  "Can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Austin I mean who knows what they could do."
  "They'll be fine I trust them probably more than I should but I trust them."
Right after Bri said that a women came into the guild hall.
" um excuse me are you guys the ones that are suppose to watching twins?"
  "Uh yea why." Micheal sounded so confused and scared of what they did.
" well the boy with the blue hair just shocked my son for some reason and is beating him up and The boy with the white hair killed someone ."
"OMG" all the guild leaders said in Unison.

FTO Baby Twins Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu