Back together

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The guild leaders instantly went to look for Ritchie and Brandon.
(1 hour later)
They found the twins hugging each other by the edge of the water. They were crying to what the Guild leaders think was because they got separated.
"Well now I feel bad guys we separated them we should've known that they had separations anxiety I mean they are twins."Bri was hurt she felt bad that she separated them all she thought was them not getting in trouble but she didn't think of how they would react the them being separated.
"Hey guys uh ok listen Ritchie and Brandon I'm- Bri got cut off
"Don't say your sorry Bri we hate you now you made us get separated."Ritchie screamed in anger.
"We will not get separated again you can't make us." Ritchie and Brandon said in unison.
"Ok guys I really am sorry I thought of us and the people not how you guys felt being separated.I've should've know you guys got separations anxiety. Let's make a deal we promise to not separate you if you guys listen to us and not cause any trouble and Im mostly talking to you Ritchie. Do we have a deal." To the twins surprise Bri actually sounded sorry so they decided to listen to her and the other guild leaders.
"I can agree with that Bri." Brandon instantly said. He really didn't want to get separated again.
"Ritchie what about you do you agree to this." Micheal said while Austin was giving Ritchie the death stare again.
"UGH fine I agree to it as long as me and Brandon don't get separated again." Ritchie walks back to the guild hall " they are no fun making me be bored all the time."
"What was the Ritchie. You say something." Austin said obviously knowing what he said.
"Uh uh n-nothing I didn't say anything you guys are old you must be hearing things." Ritchie sounded nervous he didn't want to get in trouble again.
"Yea sure you didn't say anything, anyways let's head back to the guild hall fast I'm tired of getting wet." Austin in hoping everyone would agree with him.
"Agreed." The Guild leaders said in unison.

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