The cure

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Micheal stayed with the twins until the fell asleep. Lucky for him it didn't take long for the twins to fall asleep. As soon as the did fall asleep Micheal went back down stairs.
"Well it's about time."
"Shut up JP they were crying and scared I couldn't just leave them like that so I stayed with them until the fell asleep."
"Fine fine now about Turing the twins back to normal."
"Finally it's about time." Micheal, Bri and Austin has a smile on their faces.
"I have everything to fix them. All I need to do I fix the potion. Bring them to my guild at 10:00am tomorrow." JP started to walk out, when he got to the door he stopped. " oh and don't tell them about the potion or it most likely won't work."
The guild leaders just stared at each other in confusion of what JP just said. Without worrying about it to much they all went to sleep.
(In the morning)
The guild leaders woke up and then woke up the twins and went to JP guild.
(At JPs Guild)
The twins looked at each tiger staying quiet until Brandon decided to ask the question.
"Why are we here?"
Micheal turned around with a smile on his face and said. "JP wanted us over for brunch." The twins didn't say anything else so with that they Wales in the guild hall.
"Ah hello there I've made
Some drinks for you guys." JP banded the Guild leaders a glass of water and gave the twins water with the potion in it. The twins drink the potion and after 5 minutes they turned back to normal. They guild leaders looked at Ritchie and Brandon with a big smile and a sigh of relief, while the twins just stared at each other with a confused look.
"Uhh what just happened?" The said in unison. Austin put his hands on the twins shoulders. "It's a long story."
*one explanation later*
"Uh..." Ritchie went up to Bri. Lyon uh wanted to keep us a kids?"
" well.. at first but you always got in trouble so I changed my mine. I'm happy you two are back to normal though."
"So you two are going to try and fine who turned you into kids?" Said Micheal.
The twins looked at each other. " No." they both said in unison.
"To be honest I don't remember what he looked like or what we did as kids. Do you Ritchie?"
"No I don't Brandon."
"Well let's not worry about that let's go drink."
"Haha now you speaking my language Brandon."
"Hold up you two we want drinks too." Austin shouted.
"Then come on guys." Brandon shouted back.

Thank you for reading this story I hope you guys did enjoy it. This is obviously that last chapter of the twins being babies. I was planing on doing more people being babies but with SNO starting up I might do a story with that instead, but for now that's all I have to say hope you guys enjoyed it.
— Wolfyy

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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