The seperation

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"Well Um we are suppose to be watching them so please show us where they are." Bri said it so fast she ran out of breath.
" ah ok follow me they aren't his fat just please make them stop." The women still worried about what happened.
When the guild leaders got there they saw a dead old man on the side walk and Ritchie still beating up the women's son.
"RITCHIE, BRANDON GET OVER HERE NOW." Bri shouted as loud as she could.
Brandon came over scared of what Bri would do if he didn't listen he also explained that the old man just fell in front of him and that he didn't know what to do.Ritchie refused to listen to Bri so he continued to beat up the boy.
"RITCHIE COME OVER HERE NOW OR YOU GOING TO BE IN EVEN MORE TROUBLE TH YOU ALREADY ARE." Once again Ritchie to listen to Bri so Bri decided to get up and pick Ritchie up and bring him over to where she was  before.
"Ritchie you apologize right now." Bri said stop angry while Micheal and Austin where just giving Ritchie and Brandon the death stare.
"I'm sorry I was beating you up." Ritchie said this trying to feel sorry but he didn't know if he actually was now that he thought about he doesn't even know why he started to beat him up. The guild leaders took Ritchie and Brandon back to the Dinivus Magia guildhall.
"Ritchie you come with me Brandon go with Micheal." Bri decided to split them up since they got into a lot of trouble being together and seemed like It was Ritchies fault for getting Brandon in trouble.
" why are we being split apart at least tell us where we going if we don't like it when we don't know where each other is at all times." Ritchie and Brandon said in unison sounding sadder than ever.
"Sorry guys but if we tell you that you could find each other and get in trouble again Micheal take Brandon that way and Austin you come with me I'll probably need help with Ritchie."
(30 minutes later)
Ritchie and Brandon started freaking out. They couldn't see each other or know where each other is. Brandon started to cry and and scream at Micheal but not doing anything but that. Ritchie was screaming, started to shock Bri and Austin. He also came up and tried to attack them. Ritchie hated not knowing where Brandon his so much he mad a storm happen inside to distract Bri and Austin and then left to find Brandon. Brandon also made a distraction with wind and then left to find Ritchie. Once the distractions were gone all the guild leaders where Furious.
"GOD DANG IT WHERE ARE YOU." They all said even know they are in different areas.

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