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"Has anyone heard from Pat? It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth. She always calls to check on us, and when I called her I didn't get an answer." Me, Diane, and Angela was at my house drinking. It had been four months since we seen or heard from Pat.

"Naw but I know she's good because Marcus spoke to Dewayne a couple days ago." Angela was surprisingly still on her first glass, while we were on our fifth. "Angela what's going on with you, you aren't drinking don't get me wrong i'm enjoying it but somethings wrong."

"Nothings wrong i'm just trying to get my life together."

"It's a little too late for that." Me and Diane laughed and my phone rang It was Pat facetiming me. "Oh my god guys it's Pat!"

"Pat we have been worried sick about you. Where are you? Are you okay?" The girls jumped up to look at the phone. "Hey Pat we missed you!" They said in unison.

"Hey guys i'm actually in Georgia and i'm doing great. I just needed time to myself and some time with Dewayne. He's been working from home and we barely leave the house."

"Oh that's good to know. Somethings different about you though I don't know what it is but I like it. Your definitely glowing differently what is it?" She smiled really hard. "Well just know you guys will be aunties all over again."


"Yes, yes i am i'll be eight months tomorrow." If Angela wasn't drinking before she was definitely drinking now. "You need to come over here right now and tell us everything!"

"Nah I don't think so not tonight i've been sick all day and Dewayne is making dinner tonight. I'll call you later bye girls."

"Bye Pat we love you!"

Dewayne and I came to Georgia we wanted be be closer to our friends and family as I got closer to my due date because after a while i wouldn't be able to fly. I know who told Gavin where we were but it didn't matter because my husband would just beat his ass again.

"Honey you off the phone?" He walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed. "Yeah i am they wanted me to come over and chill with them tonight but I just can't trust them anymore."

"It's okay you don't have to do anything but lay here and be pretty." He kissed my cheek and at the same time the baby kicked. "What do you think it is?"

"It think it's a girl. Well I want a girl."

"Me too although a mini me wouldn't be so bad. Come on let's go eat and catch up on David makes man."

"You know you don't even like that show."

"I like whatever you like now let's go before we fall asleep again that's how we missed lunch." He picked me up and carried me down the stairs. "I appreciated the lift but I can walk myself you know."

"Yeah but you'll take forever getting down the stairs." We laughed, ate dinner, and fell asleep before the tv show could even start. We woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. "Hello? Yes this is she. Wait what where is she? Okay we'll be right there. D come on get up we gotta go." He wouldn't budge so I went into the bathroom got a cup of water and poured it on him.

"Get up D we have to go!"

"What is it? Is it the baby?" I shook my head and pulled him towards the stairs. "No it's not me it's Diane she was in an accident."

i had writers block but i'm good now
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