My upbringing

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I didn't grow up in a religious or spiritual household. My mom is atheist although she did grow up in a Christian family.  Most people on her side are Christians but there are also Jewish and Jehoval Witness family members as well. My dad is agnostic.  Agnostic is a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. I know that his brother Elvis and half brother RJ are Christians. I think they both are born again Christians. 

Both my parents don't push any of their believes on me and let me to believe in what I want to believe in. I feel that all parents should be like that instead of making their children to only believe in one possibility of the universe and how it was created. Over time I learned of many possibilities and keep myself open minded because all religions is all about perspective and how you see the world.  I did, however went to Sunday school when I was little and had a good time and I would call myself a Christian and believe in God even though my parents didn't. But as I get older I changed and went on my own spiritual journey in discovering who I am. 

In 6th grade, I had a friend name Linda and she was Christian. She had brought me to her church and then I was baptized in 7th grade. That was the last year I saw her because I stop going to that church. I was her friend on Facebook but then in 2015 when the whole country legalized gay marriage I had become an advocate for a while for human rights. I saw her post on Facebook one day. It was a video that was pretty much saying being gay is an abomination, practicing witchcraft is the works of the devil, and other things I had forgotten about. At this time I was just an advocate for the LGBTQ community but I had become a Wiccan and I felt personally attacked. After I left a bunch of comments I unfriend and blocked her. Now I know she is a religious freak. 

I call people religious freaks when they are so religious they believe in everything that the bible or whatever religious book they have that they are not open minded towards other perspectives and hate different people because they are not of that religion or because they are simply different. Because of the kind of person I grow up to be I do have an agnostic attitude towards all religion and don't believe in a "one true religion." All religious faith is valed and should be respected. It is how you see in the world and that's what makes religion beautiful. This is how I see the world. This is my perspective partly because of my upbringing. 

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