Exploring Judaism

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I had an English teacher in 7th grade name Mrs. I, who was Jewish. I remember that year in her class she taught us how to play dreidel. I had learned the song a couple of years ago in music around the holidays. Every since I learned how to play dreidel, I have been playing it with my mom every year during the 8 nights of Hanukkah. It's a fun game and a good way to win chocolates. 

After that year I had transfer schools for 8th grade. I went to Claremont Academy which was a mistake. I wish I had stayed at Sullivan Middle School. Claremont was the school where I was bullied and was with this boy name Charles. You can read more about that in "Jasmine's Choice" also available on Wattpad. Anyways, Charles was part Jewish. Also in my family I know my Uncle Kenny who by the way is a religious freak was married to a woman who was Jewish and they had Kim and Ben. Neither of them are practicing Jews or I don't think practicing Christians. I took an interest in being Jewish for like a month in 9th grade. I still count that as being part of my spiritual journey because at the time I was just trying to discover what I truly believe in deep inside. I wanted to find a religion that is right for me because at the time I couldn't believe in Christianity or the Bible because back in 7th grade my mom told me we came from Chimpanzees which by the way when I tried to tell my best friend at the time Linda that she got mad at me. I did however, believe that there was a man name Jesus because he was actually mention in the history book at Claremont and I also believe that there was a man name Moses because he was mention in a history book at Sullivan. That's why I tried to be a Jesus believing Jew but soon I realized that, that's not me. 

To me I feel that religion has to go along with your personality. What makes sense to you and I felt finding that was important. Even now I am still on this spirituality journey because my believes are still growing, changing, and evolving. It will never truly end.   

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