Wicca in High School

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I didn't know that was an actual religion. My favorite show is Charmed and they did a lot of research in Wicca for that show. I learned a little about it being an actual religion when I was in 9th grade and then I decided to be Wiccan in 10th grade. I looked up "the book of shadows" on Amazon one day seeing if there is such book. There was. I guess what a book of shadows is, is a book the witch wrote about her own experiences and her own spells. I gotten my first book and I read it. I then gotten more books on Wicca and actual spell books. Overtime I created my first alter and started to perform rituals. My dad dabble in Wicca before he met my mom and he passed down the books he had and the rune stones and tarot cards. So obviously my parents were accepting. I visited Salem that year for my birthday and I went into my favorite shop there. Hex. I bought money incense and when I got home I started burning them one by one every night until I was all out. I would read the spell that came with it. After a month my dad had gotten a permotion which brought in more money but that didn't last long because Price Rite was mean to my dad and he had to quite. There was a friend in my Environmental shop that was a Wiccan too and she told me a few things.  

I had also started to self harm around the same time when I first got into Wicca because of some experiences I went through in 8th and 9th grade and still going through in 10th grade. In the beginning of 11th grade, Said first broke up with me and I tried to get him back. I even tried to cast love spells to get him back. I was talking about it one time and my friend from shop told me I shouldn't and I learned that love spells isn't good because you are taking away someone's will. At the end of 11th grade I had finally talked to Mike at Safe Homes about my depression and that I have self harm and tried to kill myself several times. That was the beginning of more issues because he called my mom and she came and got me. Mike kept calling her the next day making her to bring me to the emergency room or else he will call DCF. This whole thing was terrible and I didn't know that this would happen. If I did I wouldn't have talked to Mike about it in the first place. DCF was still involve and I was force to see a therapist since my mom didn't want me to come back to Safe Homes again. During this whole thing my mom was mean to me. She told me that I am a bad Wiccan because in the Wiccan Rede it says "An ye harm none, do as ye will." That would also include yourself. This made me feel bad and I did felt like a bad Wiccan because of my self harm. I just wanted help and this whole thing made it worst. Because of all of this it took me longer and I finally stop at the end of my senior year. 

Because of going to Salem so much it was my dream to live there and be a better Wiccan. A true Wiccan. I found out about Salem State and I applied. I was accepted and I will talk about being a Wiccan in college later on.   

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