Horrible news and Kirito rage

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(Kirito pov) As soon as the door was opened, Frenica said nervously "ah would you happen to Kirito? Eugeo boyfriend"? she said this in a scared tone before coming into the dorm room. I was confused by this question, and then I answered in a calm tone "yes Frenica was it? " After noticing that she was shaking a bit. Frenica finally spoke again "yes I apologize for coming without an appointment, but I need your help. I DONT KNOW WHO ELSE TO ASK! (she slowly walked into our dorm room a bit more than she has before) I've tried calming her down to tell me what's going on and what she is doing here at this time but I calmly spoke to her not to alarm her "its alright tell me what's wrong". I've said to her Frenica turned to me "you know my issues with lord Zizek because of Eugeo, Tiese, and Ronye I thank you so much for helping me but tonight I have word he order me to perform a service that I am much to embarrassed to repeat". She frowned again and then I've looked at her with my eyes widen in fear and disgust because how can someone make someone else do something do so sick and disgusting and get away with it still  baffles me but then the small girl spoke again with this worried tone in her voice as she contiued to speak.

"But I've told Disciple Eugeo about this if that lord Zizek kept giving me orders like this there is no way that I've be able to stay here and I've would to leave the academy when I had told him all this he said he try to reason with him but he still hasn't come back". (I was pissed at this point, first the flowers being destroyed, and now this I knew something was wrong but kept paying attention to what she was telling me) Frenica just frown even more upset and sad at this point and the expression on her face made it look like she was almost ready to cry and then she spoke again "I'm just afraid of what that could mean". she said as she nervously stops talking I was gripping my sword in my hand in angered) and just spoked again "so am I" I turned to her "stay here in till I get back"! (running out the door as I've begun to run out the door) "So this how they want get even by hurting Eugeo." I've thought as I was running as soon as I'd seen their dorm room down, I'd started to walk towards and started knocking on the door.

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