paper shoes

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i'm moving forward just to rip
every step i take, there is no grip
no sequin warning, no buckle or strap
no lessons in tying laces, nor mishap

i am alone in my steps
unsure what to do next
take a step forward and scuff my toes
take a step back and return to my lowest of lows

it seems like the easiest decision
glued on velcro and the thought of remission
but i really thought i could muster up a new fashion
crayoned coloured compassion
fluffy cotton thoughts with paper thin support
it's just like me to come up short

because paper shoes were meant to break
they were meant rip, tear, and flake
reliable in being unreliable
no amount of decoration or high end style
could've made this worth wile

so do i step forward or step back?
start all over or watch my soles crack?
no words can bandage these paper cuts
because that's all that's left of us

and with all that understood
i should've just gone barefoot

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