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lukewarm being, odd one out
conscious of the colour all around
what a shame i am, not living up to my legacy
of a talkative father, a thoughtful mother

i want attention but shy from it
an other from another planet
an extraterrestrial needing to be needed
all i do is try to fill silence
the haunting black hole of the quiet
spilling accidental secrets, stuttering on empty words
no purpose of life without meaning of self
how grey my skin has become

all i am is fear incarnate
alien and green, so desperate to be seen
disappointing friends
and too stubborn to admit anything but my flaws
terror sucks the oxygen from my lungs
replaced only with carbon mistakes

what a mystery of an outlier i can be
a traveller of useless noise and heavy silence
an expedition unresolved
what's the point of it all?
my homestead is warm and small
a planet of my own
blanketed in other's tales of quest and conquer
i want to stay here forever

but i crave an E.T. touch,
a conversation of earth's finer niches
i want to find cities in other people
feel their down to earth nature
i want to feel their ocean tears
understand what it's like to breathe in
the heart of tranquil fears

i can't find pastoral landscapes in the stars
so i hope i get whatever it is i deserve

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