water signs

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love language and water waves never behave
like a pair of fish circling each other afraid
i was told not to make waves
to keep my gravity centred
to not further sink self destructive ships
but i am the moon and he is the sea
constantly pushing and pulling, constantly dueling
a friendship that was never meant to be

how was i to know a water sign could be so reckless
a forever stream of careless abandon
i believed once that fish swam freely
that their habitat was full of healing
but in actuality, the ocean is a glass ceiling
tidal waves of empty promises and broken compasses
of wrecked ships and a dark so ominous
not even the brightest of lights can be so positive

even when he's pressured under the earth,
under the rock of the moon and under the fire of the sun
he is still capable of rebirth
unbeknownst to the ocean, he is strong
he is capable of saving ships and avoiding a siren's song
flexible in space and time, the sea is always in his prime

it's the moon that's stuck in orbit
too lifeless to be metaphoric
I have too many craters to fill
too loud of a ring silence, shrill
I have a border of my own, a silent slaughter
I should've known a rock can't control untamed waters

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