i'm ugly

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calum: "michael, i've come to a very important realization."

michael: "and what's that calum?"

calum: "i'm ugly."

michael: "are you fûcking kidding me?"

calum: "no."

michael: "you look like your made from the gods"

calum: "oh."

calum didn't realize it, but he was blushing. hard.

michael: "i like you a lot calum"

calum: "like how?"

michael: "like as a friend"

michael: "what other way would i like you?"

calum: "nvm."

michael: "tell me"

calum: "no it's stupid"

michael: "tell me or i'm blocking you"

calum: "i thought you meant as more than a friend okay?"

michael: "oh"

calum: "i'm going to go you big piece of lard you've ruined my whole mood, i'm going to go dwell on how ugly i am"

michael: "your hot though ????"

calum: "i'm so done with you."


sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter i've been very busy and miCHAELS INner gay is showing

okay so if you ever want to get my attention than comment because i guarantee that i check every comment:-)

ily bye

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