i have a boyfriend now

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calum: "yo."

michael: "i have good news"

calum: "what is it?"

michael: "i have a boyfriend now"


calum: "cool."

michael: "his name is ashton and he's so cute and he has this little giggle that makes my heart die and like his hands are really big and he's so masculine but so cute and i like him so much and this probably doesn't even make sense but i like him a lot ok"

stab me, it would hurt less.

calum: "okay."

michael: "oh and i forgot to mention that he took me out on a date last night and he was so genuine and nice and we kissed at the end of the night"


calum: "cool."

michael: "he makes me really really happy"

i thought i made you happy.

calum: "i'm happy for you."

michael: "he's so cute i can't right now dkkfkfkfke"

calum: "i bet so."

my heart is breaking.

michael: "i have to go, ashton texted me and i don't want distractions"

so now i'm a fûcking distraction from your perfect boyfriend, great.

calum: "oh okay bye."

and in that moment calum could do nothing to make michael his, because there was so much distance between them.

i hate myself

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