i need some advice

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calum and michael talked and talked and talked.

somewhere along the way, calum apologized for leaving michael all alone. he also asked him on a date.

tonight was the best night of michael's life.

they went to bed that night with only each other in their thoughts.

● ● ●

today was the day.

calum hood would take michael clifford((a/n: while writing this i wrote 'michael hood' it's fate)) out on a date.

calum went back to his hotel, saying he would be back around 7 pm. it was 4 pm when calum left, that gave michael 3 hours to get ready.

he was nervous to say the least. he couldn't believe that calum hood had actually asked him on a date.

● ● ●

meanwhile, calum was freaking out. he had no idea what to do for the date. he went to the only person who could help him right now. his mom.


"yeah, honey?"

"i need some advice."

she patted the bed, gesturing for him to sit down, "shoot."

"i'm taking a really nice, funny, cute boy out on a date."

"what's the problem then?"

"i have nothing planned."

"what do you want me to do? your the one who planned it so you didn't have any time."

"just help me with ideas, please?"

joy agreed, so there they sat for the next hour, thinking of ideas for the most perfect date ever.

● ● ●

it was 7 pm. joy had let calum borrow her car, he was very thankful.

calum rushed to the door and knocked. he was nervous as helł.

what he didn't expect to see was the person who opened the door. he was beyond suprised, and maybe even a little angry.


sorry i haven't updated. writers block sucks.

okay, anyway, thIS STORY HIT 12K????? thank you, i love you all:-)

i was going to have the date this chapter but then i moved it to the next chapter whoops.

☹☻ distance ☻☹ malumDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora