2- Newt's POV

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Newt didn't usually leave his apartment on Saturdays. He usually finished all his reports that his professors insisted on setting him, or if not read books or composed small songs or melodies. But it was one of the rare weeks where he had nothing due that would affect his grade, every book in his apartment he had read at least twice, and musical inspiration seemingly taking the weekend off. So when he noticed the dejected business card for a recording and playing, or rather, jamming, studio in the city, he figured, hey, why not. Anyways the girl that had given him the card when she saw him busking seemed friendly enough, very full of smiles. So, choosing the unknown over boredom, he packed up his guitar, put in his earphones and, to the intense beat of Panic! At The Disco, headed over to the train station.
It was inevitable that Newt would fall asleep on the train ride, it was an hour long, and he had stayed up most of the night, unable to sleep due to nightmares that had ghosted around the edges of his mind, not enough to set him into a panic attack, but enough so that every time he closed his eyes it was only seconds before they snapped back open, staring into the darkness. So he curled up over two plush seats and eventually dozed off.
What wasn't inevitable, or likely at all really, was that he would wake up nearly an hour later with a handsome boy staring at him, the wide look in his eyes suggesting he was definitely not thinking PG 13 rated thoughts. Actually, handsome might have been a bit of an understatement. Messy brown I-just-rolled-out-of-bed-perhaps-doing-something-I-shouldn't-have-been-doing hair matched his dark chocolate coloured eyes. He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt, just tight enough to make Newt's heart beat just that little bit faster, and a worn leather jacket. His mouth was wide open in amazement. This guy was definitely looking at Newt like he was something to eat. Newt, as it happened, definitely wouldn't have any complaints. It was around two minutes before the guy seemed to realise that Newt was awake and very much aware that he was being stared at. His mouth snapped shut and his eyes moved to glower at his bright red converses, his cheeks nearly matching them in colour. Newt felt his lips curl into an involuntary smirk and he let out a chuckle. The boy quite visibly shivered, his fingers curling into a fist. Feeling the train slowing down, Newt pulled himself out of his seat. Stretching, with a yawn escaping his mouth, Newt could hear the boys breath hitch, and when he pulled his bag over his shoulder and picked up his guitar, the boy was once again glaring at his feet, as if he was trying to see if he could make them burst into flame. Letting out another low chuckle, Newt figured that seeing as he might never see the guy again, he may as well give him something as small as his name.
"M'name's Newt, ya shank" the boy glanced up tentatively. And before he could stop himself a confident.
"And you're not so bad yourself" escaped Newt's lips.

Authors Notes:
Part 2 finished. Huzzah. Still don't know if anyone's actually going to read this, seeing as I posted this part the same time as the previous one. Also I forgot to do a disclaimer soooo...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from James Dashner's 'The Maze Runner' trilogy, but the setting and any other characters are mine.

Yeah. Done. Cool. Also I might start doing weekly updates. I don't know, seeing as I did everything I've written so far in one go. Bye.

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