8-Newt's POV

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Newt stared in disbelief as the door flew open and a boy stumbled through, only to land flat on his face, groaning softly.
Brown hair. Brown eyes. Black leather jacket. Red shoes. It was the boy from the train.
A laugh escaped Newt's mouth, and his eyes danced with mirth.
The boy scrambled to his feet, looking completely mortified, and, keeping his eyes downward, clambered to collect all his assorted belongings, with seemed to include a variety of paint brushes, and papers with shapeless sketches in pencil all over them.
Teresa was looking slightly amused and a whole lot annoyed.
"Thomas. What are you doing here again? Didn't you read my texts? You did reply." Thomas sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and realization dawned on Newt's face.
"Wait. You're Thomas? As in Teresa's brother? Whoah" Thomas opened his mouth, but closed it again, his face burning. Teresa sighed.
"Yes, this is my brother Thomas. Do you two know each other or something?" Newt smirked, but it soon turned into a wide grin.
"Yeah. Yeah we had a very interesting run in on a train. We should do that again sometime by the way." He said, addressing the last part to Thomas who promptly spluttered and choked on his throat. Teresa frowned.
"Okay, Thomas, you have some explaining to do, 'cos it sounds like you two are secretly dating or something." Newt laughed as Thomas' face reddened to a state that Newt would've thought impossible.
"N-no, we're not d-dating. 'Course not." Thomas mumbled, once again staring at his shoes. It seemed that it was a habit of his. Now that Newt knew that this was Thomas, he couldn't help but be in almost in awe of the awkward boy with the reddened face. It had been him that painted all the artworks in the lobby. Newt still wasn't sure how it was possible to paint something like that using what was basically a stick with bristles on one end.
And it wasn't like he was unattractive. In fact he was very attractive. Newt grinned hugely again. He had a feeling that knowing Thomas would be very interesting indeed.

Authors Notes
Hey again guys. Sorry for the gap between chapters. Turns I did get stranded without internet or my phone. At camp. *shudders*. Anyways I hoped you guys liked this more than I did. I know that if I don't like I should just change it but I have no idea where else I would take this story. So yeah. Comment if you liked it :)
Bye shuck faces.
- @slim_it_shuck_face

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