Chapter 01

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"I don't feel like going Jisoo."

I said nonchalantly while turning the page of the novel, I was reading.

"Come on Lylah. A party at one of the biggest hotels owned by Kim family. Not everyone gets a chance to be there. They say Kims are famous for holding most luxurious parties around the world. Please!! It was very hard to convince Hoseok to get an extra invitation for you. Please join us."

She insisted, completely ignoring the fact that I had no interest in whoever Kims were and how much money they spent on their parties. I literally had no concern.

All I was interested in my little world of books and novels.

"Jisoo, you have a boyfriend, just go with him. Why are you dragging me in this when you are going to leave me alone in the end?"

I reasoned since I knew she wasn't going to stop any soon. My eyes were still fixated on the novel but my senses were somehow now diverted to her.

" are refusing are afraid you'll be left all alone..hmmm?"

Her voice held mischief and I knew something absurd was about to come out of her mouth.

"You know what? This is the best chance to hook you up. Believe me, there are gonna be tons of men in the party. All rich and handsome with toned bodies. Heavens on earth, Lylah..."

Her eyes sparkled as I raised my gaze, watching her in disbelief. She was literally drooling in daze, imagining other men, when she already had a boyfriend.

'I wander how Hoseok fell for her...'

I shook my head as I knew very well how kinky she was for muscular guys. But I was different. I wasn't buying any of it.

"I don't want a boyfriend Jisoo. I really am happy being very much single. And even If I will get a boyfriend in future, that will never be some rich millionaire or whatever. I just can't afford these luxurious people who use a bathroom bigger than our dorm. Too much for me..."

I said dryly but she didn't know compared to my expression less face, my inner was actually churning in unease.

Cause in reality, it was just an excuse.

I had no problem with a boyfriend being rich or poor, because money couldn't define a good or bad person. If a man knows how to love and respect her woman, then he being rich or poor not really matters.

However, Only I knew that the actual problem resided in me...

Real world was way too frightful than the world of novels. I was still not ready to step in this cruel world. I knew it had been years since that incident happened but still I needed more time I guess. Or may be I was looking for excuses to avoid the real world as long as I could.

"Okay. If you are not going, then I'll tell Hoseok to just cancel the plan. I am not going too."

She said grumpily with a scowl on pretty face of hers.

I put aside my novel as now my attention was totally on her. I smirked as I knew she was playing tricks on me cause there was no way she was going to let this golden chance go.

"Hey, stop playing tricks on me. I know every inch of you. You can't miss this chance and since Hoseok invited you, he must have prepared something for you. So, just go and have fun."

I smiled at her while her scowling face turned into a sad one suddenly, making my heart uneasy.

"Lylah, It's not like I don't know your reasons or I don't understand why you are refusing. We've been friends for years, Lylah. I know you hate men because of what your father did in past but Lylah all men are not same. Where there are bad ones, there are good ones too. You just need to give someone a chance, let him love you, take care of you, so he can redeem your trust on men, on this world and pull you out of this depressive life. I really want to see you happy and being loved.

RIVALS | A JEON JUNGKOOK & KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now