Chapter 07(a)

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Dressed up in formals, I was pacing back and forth in my room. The fidgeting of my hands and my vigorously beating heart could show how desperate and anxious I was.

I checked my wristwatch for the umpteenth time as the frustration that had been piling up in me was at verge to shatter. It was annoyingly nerve wrecking but all I could do was wait.

Hours had passed since I came back from the hotel but there was no sign of Jimin And Aunt Jisook. It was making me uneasy now. Ceremony was about to began but I had still no news on them.

And what intensifying it even more were those words of that old bastard that kept repeating in my head.

'This world is too dangerous for an innocent woman my son.'

I could still hear his ironic laugh, that had ran shiver down my spine. Even though I feared nothing but somehow his words still gave me chills.

If only I could know why was he using her to threaten me when I didn't even know her. She was nothing but a one night stand.

'But what with these lingering feelings??'

I sighed in frustration.

Anyway She was bound to be forgotten sooner or later. I wouldn't care less if something happened to her.

I shook her thoughts off because she had manipulated my mind enough. I just couldn't let her ruin me like this. It wasn't like I would be meeting her again. I needed to focus on tonight's ceremony.

It was when I heard creaking and then slamming of door from behind.

I instantly turned around to see him standing with his head bowed down and his hands crossed behind his back.


As I saw him, I took a long sigh of relief. It felt like after a long CPR, I got back my breaths.

Although his face was bruised with a bandaged forehead, I was grateful that he was alive. I couldn't imagine living a day without him. He was like a shadow that had been following me since forever. I was a void shell without him.

I strode to him in 3 steps, standing few centimeters away before pulling him into a manly hug.

"I love you too Tae."

A teasing whisper came across my ear, almost catching me off guard.

I pulled away to see Jimin cackling. I raised an eyebrow while crossing my arms over my chest.

'How can he laugh after being beaten like this? Idiot!'

"And my kiss?"

He asked playfully while blowing me a flying kiss.

'He is doing this on purpose because he saw me kissing her last night..he never let any chance go!!'

Before he could further tease me I strangled him without giving him a chance to defend.

"You wanna die?

I whispered in his ear in the same tone he whispered 'I love you too' in mine.

"Tae...Taehyung.. So.. So.. Sorry"

He tried getting out of my killing grip but it was in vain. Cause beating me was one of the thing he had not achieved yet.

"No, I wouldn't have saved your ass. You don't deserve to live. I am gonna let you free from this useless life."

I said while tightening my grip even more with a huge smirk on my face.

"I... I.. I.. so..sorrry.."

RIVALS | A JEON JUNGKOOK & KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now