Chapter 06

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Since I came back from the hotel, I was in a torpid state, lying lifelessly in my bed. I couldn't get rid of the shame and abasement that he left me with. I could still hear his every demeaning word repeating in my head.

But more to that was feeling of guilt and remorse, that was even more worse. Every time the thought of him throwing money at me crossed my mind, I would feel like disappearing 10 feet under the soils. I had no idea it would hurt this deep that I would began to hate myself.

Cause after he left, I gradually started remembering last night in pieces. And the bitter reality I came across with was far from my imagination.

It was me!!

Who triggered his feelings...
Who held his shirt...
Who didn't let him go...


It was me who kissed him first!!

'Damn it!!'

I didn't know what made me go this far cause all I remembered was a man trying to harass me and then someone appeared like a life saviour and I ended up sleeping with that life saviour.

'Uggghhh! it can't be more embarrassing!!'

I sighed heavily, scooting under the blanket. My eyes had worn out after endless crying. But I still couldn't help my tears.

"Here eat something Lylah. Starving yourself is not a solution. Get up."

Jisoo's stern yet worried voice came across my ears causing me to move blanket down my face as I looked at her with teary eyes.

"Damn it Lylah. You are still crying, ain't you? Screw me! I wouldn't have left you alone."

She approached me, placing the tray of food on the side table before embracing me in her arms.

And I broke down once again.

I didn't know what was hurting me more, losing my virginity to a heartless man or being humiliated by him. I didn't know why him being rude to me pricking me deeper and deeper.

I wanted to forget him, forget everything about last night but it looked like it wasn't that easy to do.

"I am sorry Lylah. If I didn't go with Hoseok, this wouldn't have happened to you. I really tried to find you after we came back. Hoseok looked for you everywhere but no one knew where you went. Please forgive me Lylah. I would've been careful..."

"It's fine Jisoo...It wasn't your fault!!"

I said cutting her off as she sobbed on my shoulder.

She had been apologising since I came back. At first I was little annoyed at her but I let it go because I knew It wasn't her fault anyway.

"But Lylah If I haven't forced you, you wouldn't have met that arrogant jerk. Only if you knew his name, he would've been died by my hands. How dare he treated you like this? Sleeping with someone doesn't mean you treat them like some lowly creatures. If you ever see him again just let me know, I will give him piece of mind. Douche bag.."

"Enough Jisoo. I don't want to talk about him anymore. I am hungry lets eat."

I said trying to close this topic cause the more I talked, the more humiliating it was.

"Okay. Okay. I won't bring this up again. Now eat. And don't you dare to cry again."

She said handing me the tray of food before wiping my tears away.

I nodded feigning a smile before looking down at the food.

That was when a knock on our dorm door was heard. Both of us caught off guard cause we barely had any guests. The only people that visit us were men of my guardian, who come once in a month to check on me.

RIVALS | A JEON JUNGKOOK & KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now