Chapter 16 (a)

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"It started 22 years ago, when the three most influential mafia families of Korea decided to unite. The Parks, The Jeons and The Kims.

Although, the union was a showcase that was displayed to leave an impression over the mafia families around the world that Korea is the most dangerous and powerful among the underground world.

However, behind the scenes, it was just an empty shell. Those three families were nothing but a silent betrayal to each other. Every family wanted to rule over the others despite the fact that no one was inferior. Neither in wealth nor in status.

They held the same status in the society. With almost same amount of assests and quite a same level of influence.

Simply, their standard and class was same in public eyes.

But, when you are living in the world of mafia, it is given that you desire to be one step above the others but in country like Korea where rich and influential people were given the same grade, it was hard to achieve until the day came, when The Parks got something good in their plate.

Actually, it was like they got their hands on world's biggest treasure.

And that was Avelina Kazimir."

He paused as if some thought just crossed his mind and then he raised his eyes to meet mine.

'His eyes...what's with this strangeness??'

I raised an eyebrow while trying to read his strange expression but he quickly looked away before continuing again.

"Avelina Kazimir, daughter of Egor Kazimir. Egor Kazimir was a Russian multibillionaire. He had dozens of companies and businesses around the world. Aside from the companies and businesses, alone hotels and villas under his name, were worth trillions of dollars, that ultimately made him the richest man around the world. That's how successful of a businessman he was.

but like a saying, nothing comes with perfection. There is always a flaw hiding behind those perfect things cause what he didn't have was a heir to pass on his whole fortune.

According to his family traditions, only sons could take over the business of their fathers. But in his case, he had none. But it didn't really matter to him cause as much of a businessman man he was, he was a good father too. Which made him go against his ancestors and he named everything under his beloved daughter Avelina.

At that time, Park Myeong Suk..."


I cried out as feeling of dread washed over me. I snapped my eyes shut trying to calm myself down.

Cause that name...that name brought back the painful memories that had always been lingering in my subconscious.

I didn't want to remember how that monster locked me in a chilled room, how he would whip me relentlessly every night and how he would splash salted water over my wounds every morning.

Being a grown up man didn't mean I would want to go through that pain over and over again just because of his name was mentioned...

"Are you okay??"

Master Shifu called out in a worried tone.

To which I just nodded without saying a word.

I knew very well that I couldn't know the truth without going through this agony cause Park Myeong Suk was just a piece of those dreadful memories.

Rest were even worse and heart wrecking..

So, I had to endure it if I didn't want to lose to Jeons and take the revenge of my mother and sister.

RIVALS | A JEON JUNGKOOK & KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now