Chapter 09

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Kim Rowoon, The third boss of Kim's Family. As you all know, tonight's ceremony holds significance for Kim's family. That's why I would like to thank you all for joining us for this beautiful night.

Since, you have been waiting for quite long, I won't drag it anymore.

I feel proud and happy to announce my only son, Kim Taehyung as the fourth boss of Kim's family and not only Kim's family but he will take over the duties of God Father for 8 Mafia families.

There is no doubt that in this dark world only stronger and braver can survive. And I'm lucky that my son is the strongest one."

He ended his fake speech while raising his glass of wine in the air.

"To my son.."

He said while gesturing his glass of wine towards the audience.

And people would have thought..

'What a great father?'

'Look how much he loves his son..'

Less did they know that I was just a pawn, he was using to gain power. I was nothing more than a tool....

I wanted to laugh at his duality but I couldn't. Still I couldn't deny that he really was a flawless actor...

After his SENTIMENTAL speech, I was presented with our family sword by that old man. And officially, I became what I was born to be. The crown was mine and the world was mine to rule. The Mafia world...

Finally I was.. THE MAFIA...

The Mafia boss.

The strongest one....

As I pulled out the sword, every single person standing in the hall bowed their head to me including my so called father..

Yes, that was the power a boss of Kim family holds...

I moved my gaze in entire hall proudly but then my eyes fell on her.


I clenched my jaws as my hand tightened around my sword...

'Why of all she has to be the daughter of Park Myeong Suk.......'

I eyed her from head to toe in extreme loathe..

She was standing straight with puzzled face as If she had no idea about what was happening around her.

'What a great show you are putting Lylah Park..But sadly you can't fool me anymore....'

I scoffed as she continued to look back and forth at people who were bowing their heads to me except her.

But before I could see more of her drama, Master Shifu abruptly pushed her head down in a bow, whispering something in her ear.

'How does Master Shifu know the daughter of Park Myeong Suk? How come they look close???'

I rolled my eyes, turning away my gaze from them as everyone lifted up their heads.

"I, Kim Taehyung, as your new boss, would like to say just one thing..For everyone, who is here and those who are not, better listen once and carve it in your heads cause I won't repeat it twice.

If you are standing beside me, then no one can touch a single hair on you but if you're standing against me, then there is no power that can protect you from me.

RIVALS | A JEON JUNGKOOK & KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now