Null and Void [part 1?]

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What if Error and Blue meet Null and Void?
This is the question that started it all, thought up by yours truly. It starts after Chapter 4.
Error awoke to the sensation of being poked. He opened his eyes to see two skeletons, sitting about a foot away. They were wearing what looked like thin, mint-green hospital gowns. One of them, who looked about five, was holding the other, who looked about two. They scrambled away as he sat up.

Project One was running. He held his little brother, Project Two, in his arms. Shivering from the cold, One pushed through some brush to find a small clearing. It would be perfect to hide in, if not for the two other skeleton children, who appeared to be sleeping against a tree. The dark-boned one had many scars, while the lighter one only had a few. A powerful, comforting aura surrounded them.

Two made a small noise and reached towards the dark-boned one. One carefully approached the sleeping children, allowing Two to poke the dark-boned one. They stirred, and One quickly backed up a little. Suddenly, they sat up, making One scramble away, clutching his brother to his chest.

Error blinked at the two young skeletons. He carefully got out from under Blue, holding his hands up in the universal signal of 'I-mean-no-harm'. The older one scrutinized him for a moment. "...Safe?" they asked tentatively. Error blinked again. "1'm ŇøŤ şÅf3."
"Safe," the skeleton insisted, but before he could reply, tell them he wasn't safe, the brush rustled again.

A Royal Guard poked their head in. "Aha! You must be the skeletons Doctor Gaster was talking about. He said there were only two, though..." The two skeletons in hospital gowns trembled, hiding behind Error. "I suppose I'll just have to bring all four of you to him," the Guard said, grabbing their walkie-talkie. "This is Doggo, I found the skeletons. I need backup to capture them," they reported into it. Error picked up Blue, who was still sleeping, and motioned with his head to run. He couldn't fight right then, there were too many people that might get caught in the crossfire.

Soon, they were in Waterfall, in a secret area that Error knew. He finally had a chance to think, and realized he was small. He remembered falling into the VOID with Blue and talking with Destiny. Error decided to check the Codes for more information. They were, indeed, in a different multiverse, where Ink didn't even HAVE the power to create AUs, and Error didn't even exist. Blue did, though, so he would have to change his name.

Error CHECKed himself next, shielding his SOUL from the others' views.


3rr0r 5 4 |\| 5

HP 99999999999999/99999999999999
ATK 99999999999999
DEF 99999999999999
INV 99999999999999
LV 99999999999999
EXP 99999999999999

*Cannot die.
*Fate-formed, Destiny-chosen
*Does not require food, water, sleep, or air.
*Not from this multiverse.
*Forced God of Destruction, yin to Fate's chosen child.
*Accidentally turned into a child by Destiny.
*Can glitch the CHECK box.
*Can read, manipulate, and destroy Code.


So THAT'S why they were so small! Error turned to the two new skeletons, who were now shivering in the cold. Blue was still asleep, with Error's mangled jacket over him to keep him warm. "Åř3 ý0ū €ø£đ, £iŤţ£ə 0ñ3š?" he asked gently. The taller one frowned. "You're just as tall as me," they complained. Error shrugged, inciting a small huff of annoyance from the other.

Error began forming cloaks with his strings. He didn't have the time to make anything more complicated, since the Royal Guard could find them at any moment, but he could still make sure they were warm.

As he sewed, he talked with them. "1 ñ3v3ŕ €ăŪgHţ ÝøŪŕ ŅăMə$," he said, putting the final stitch into a blue cloak with white lining. "1 ăM 3rŔøŔ."
"Oh! Well, I'm Project One," One points proudly to himself, "and my brother is Project Two!" He gestured to the babybones on the floor. Error frowned. "Ťh0š3 ăŔə ŅøŤ pŔøPəŔ ñÅm3š," he explained. "$ķ3ł3ţ0ñ$ ų$ųÅłŁý HăVə FøŅţ ŅăMə$, ł1ķ3 PăPýŔų$."
"Is W.D. Gaster a font name?" One asked. "Ýə$, iŤ'š Å č0mBiŅăŤi0ñ 0f ₩iŅgĐiŅg$ ăŅđ ÅşŤəŔ-"
"Then I don't want a font name! I don't want one like HIS," cried One. "No' li' HIS!" Two agreed.

Looking closer at the skeletons, Error noticed the metal plates bolted into their left hands. Handplates universes were his least favourite. At least the kiddos escaped earlier than they usually did in the ones Inky made.

"ÅłŔiGhŤ ţHəŅ, wH㍠ş0řŤ øF ñÅm3ş ₩ø۳Рý0ų £iĶə?" Error was many things, but he was not mean, not by any stretch of the word, and he would not call them something they did not like. "I want a name like yours!" One answered, smiling brightly. "Li' yo'rs! Li' yo'rs!" Two babbled. "...0ķÅý," Error relented. He thought for a bit, still sewing. "Hø₩ ăBøŰţ Ņų£ł," he pointed to One, "ăŅđ Vø1đ?" He pointed to Two. They delightedly nodded. "I love it!" said the newly-renamed Null. "Ewwo' da bes'!" agreed Void.

Soon, the four cloaks were finished. There was a small one, orange with white lining, that fit Void perfectly. A sky blue one with light gray lining for Blue, a dark blue one with white lining for Null, and a black one with midnight blue lining for Error. He also quickly made thick socks for Null and Void, as they were barefoot. A pin in the shape of a Monster SOUL clasped the two sides of each cloak together.

Waking Blue up, Error watched as Null helped Void put on his cloak. They had watched Error put his on, and insisted on doing it for themselves. Blue was soon awake, and Error tossed the remaining cloak at him. Now, all four of them were ready to go. Almost.

Error turned to Blue. "Ťh3ŕ3 i$ ă£ŕ3ăĐý Å ßłŰə 1ñ Ťh1š Mų£ț1v3ŕ$ə, $ø ÝøŰ mŰšŤ p1çĶ ă Ņə₩ ñÅm3," he explained. "Oh!" replied Blue. "How about Bluescreen? Error, Null, Void, and Bluescreen are similar names, so we match! Almost like a family! Not quite, though, because you and I are dating..." Error chuckled. "₩ə Åŕ3 țHə Mi$çÅłĆų£ăŤi0ñ GăŅg!" he exclaimed, grinning. Bluescreen giggled. "Perfect! We have to go soon, though." Error nodded, fishing through the pockets of his ruined jacket for anything he should take.

He found his knitting needles and friendship bracelet. He put the bracelet on, and the knitting needles disappeared into one of the many pockets in his cloak. Together, they stepped out into the open, heading back to Snowdin, leaving only a burnt, torn, and-looking jacket behind.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! I'll try to make the story as accurate as possible to the original (what is it... Healing What has been Broken?) by harrish6. Please tell me if I get something wrong, and, as always, leave questions, comments, and concerns in the comment section!

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