Harry Potter and the Mysterious Skeletons [Part 1]

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Destiny smiled down at her children, preparing to set them in one of the newer Harry Potter universes. These were ruled by both Destiny and Fate, so she was a bit worried, but this AU had already been claimed by a creator, and a rather powerful one at that. Fate would only be able to interfere if the creator allowed her to. Of course, the same could be said for Destiny, but she happened to have met the creator, and knew he had a soft spot for Error! and Underswap!Sanses. She trusted him to keep the two skeletons in her arms safe. Well, as safe as they can be, considering that this universe was in the middle of Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, when Tom Riddle was beginning to rise again. Yes, she said Tom Riddle. No, she would not refer to him as "Voldemort". In fact, Destiny thought that Voldemort was a stupid name, perfect for a stupid wizard.

...Now that she thought about it, wasn't Blue a Harry Potter fan? She had watched him rave to Error about how amazing the books were, and how the movies, as great as they were, didn't do them any justice, and Error definitely knew every single plothole and issue Blue had found, book- AND movie-wise, as he had ranted about them quite often. A smirk grew upon her lips as she thought about how much fourth-wall-breaking and story-altering there would be, and she began imagining all the different things that could happen.

Destiny was startled out of her thoughts when she felt a creator's presence approaching her. She whipped around to find the creator that had claimed the universe in question, and she gave a respectful nod. To her surprise, the creator- she could never remember his name, but it started with an E, or was it a D? Maybe an A... -returned the nod, before immediately dropping all formalities. "Oh, hey, Destiny!" the creator exclaimed. "Never thought I'd find you lurking amongst the Harry Potter universes!" He noticed the skeletons in her arms. "Oooohhhhh," he said, grinning slowly. "You want a place to put your kiddos!" Before Destiny could reply, he continued. "You can just use my universe." The creator gestured to his universe. "It's not much, I didn't really make any changes or anything. To be honest, I kind of forgot about it until I sensed you were poking around." He suddenly looked a bit sheepish. "That is, if you even want it," he mumbled. "You have your pick of the Omniverse, don't feel pressured to accept my offer just because I'm technically more powerful than you."

Destiny smiled at her friend. "Of course I want it," she said. "After all, it belongs to you." She gently placed the two skeleton kids in {Harry Potter #1004} and turned to the creator.

"I trust you to keep my children safe."


Harry Potter was having an average day. Until he wasn't.

He'd been wandering around outside Hogwarts, gingerly rubbing his hand. He had just gotten out of detention with Professor Umbridge, and had the slowly healing cuts on his hand to show for it.

I must not tell lies.

Umbridge was stupid, Harry decided. He didn't normally think negative things about people, much less believe them with all his being, but Umbridge was an exception. Even Malfoy had a bit of good in him, right? Even Professor Snape. Maybe even the Dursleys. But Umbridge? She was evil in a pink flower-patterned outfit.

Unknowingly, he began straying into the Forbidden Forest, but he was too wrapped up in his thoughts to notice his surroundings until he tripped. Sprawling onto the ground, Harry looked to see what tripped him. This is when his day really started to get weird, because there were two skeletons, holding each other as if comforting a lover, sleeping- why sleeping? Harry asked his brain. Why use that particular word to describe them? -against a tree. Harry had tripped over one of their legs, which was stretched out. Before he could process anything more, the darker-boned one shifted and opened its eyes. Or was it eyesockets? Harry didn't know. He wondered if the skeleton would get offended if he asked.

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