A 'Marvel'ous Error {Part 1}

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As Destiny held the two skeletons, she looked around for a suitable multiverse to put them in. Her search, however, was interrupted by her darling sister.

"DESTINY!" Fate screeched. "GIVE ME BACK MY PAWN!"

"Hmm, how about... no," Destiny responded, evading her attempts to grasp the children.

Fate growled in anger. "THEN I'LL JUST HAVE TO TAKE IT." Her magic flared, sending attack after attack at her wretched sibling.

Destiny dodged as well as she could, but both her and her children got hit several times. It was good, she decided, that no one could die while under a Deity's protection, or Blue would be dead thrice over. Deities' attacks were much more powerful than any god could dream of making, even the strongest Error or Ink. Heck, even the Shellverse Ink barely held a candle to the weakest Deity. Destiny shook her head sharply. She had to focus on the battle. Or, rather, on her retreat from the battle, as she could feel her strength running out.

Destiny fled from Fate, and continued running until she was very, very sure that Fate could not and would not catch up. She looked around and nearly started laughing. In her panicked state, she had gone far past the Undertale segment of the Omniverse. In fact, she was practically on the opposite side from it, if, indeed, the Omniverse even had sides to begin with. The Undertale segment may have been ruled by Fate, but here, Destiny reigned supreme, and Fate had only the barest of footholds.

These, dear readers, were the Marvel multiverses.

Giggling like a small child, Destiny danced around, looking for a multiverse as yet untouched by a Creator's hands. Her giggling, however, soon died out when she realized the state her children were in. Blue was leaking marrow from several cracks in his arm and skull, and some of Error's many scars had opened up. And, of course, they had been turned into actual children. The last one Destiny couldn't fix, but she got to work healing the two tiny skeletons. While she was at it, she repaired Error's clothing. Soon, only shallow cuts and cracks remained in their bones. As luck would have it, she had stopped right in front of the perfect multiverse. Smiling gently, the Deity placed her children in {Avengers Universe 011774}. It had a creator meddling around in it, but Destiny had met the creator before, so she didn't worry. Both skeletons were big fans of Marvel, so they would probably immediately know where they were.


Peter Parker was swinging through the city. 'I'm Peter Parkour now,' he thought suddenly, and the pun made him laugh so hard he nearly ran into a building. He quickly landed on a roof and waited until he could stop laughing. It took a while.

As he was about to swing off, his spidey-senses tingled, telling him there was someone in the alley below that needed help. Jumping down, he landed silently in front of two child-sized skeletons who seemed to be embracing each other. He was about to just notify the police and leave when he took a closer look. One of the skeletons was a weird color, almost charred, with red and yellow fingers and blue markings on its skull. That was another thing, their skulls. They were an odd shape that was definitely not human. And were their eyesockets CLOSED? What the hell was going on?

He listened closely to his spidey-sense. It told him that they had the potential to be dangerous- how could corpses be dangerous? -but they weren't at the moment. He stepped forward to get a closer look, and had nearly reached out to poke the dark-boned corpse-thing when its eye-sockets snapped open.

DANGERDANGERDANGERDANGERDANGERDANGER screamed his spidey-sense. Panic filled him and he pressed against the wall opposite from the skeleton. It watched him with something like caution mixed with panic, not unlike what he felt. After a couple seconds, he stopped feeling threatened, so the skeleton must have stopped whatever attack it was planning. The silence stretched on for what seemed like an hour, but was probably only a few moments. Finally, it spoke. "HoLy $h!t YoUr'3 $p1d3rMaN," it whispered in a static-filled voice. "U-uh, hi?" Peter squeaked. It (They? He? She? Peter decided to ask later) grinned happily, shaking its friend. "BlUe! BlUe, WaKe Up! YoU w1lL N0T b3l1eVe Wh3r3 w3 aRe!"

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