Triple Glitch [part 2]

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I'll do my best to represent the characters properly, please tell me if I mess up. By the way, I don't know if I already said this, but this takes place after part three of 'Mr Erratum', but before Erratum takes Null and Void to school.
Nightmare was taking a walk when a flash of metal caught his eye. He glanced to the nearby alleyway to see two young skeleton children, leaning on some metal, gazing up at the stars. The darkly-coloured one was pointing at various constellations and talking in a low voice to the lighter-coloured one. He frowned worriedly. It was a bit late for kids to be out, wasn't it? Especially so young. They looked to be around 5 or 6 years old. Where were their parents? He approached them carefully, moving as though they were rather skittish cats.

Of course, they noticed him almost immediately and scrambled up. "Woah, woah," he called softly to them. "Calm down. I'm Nightmare, what're your names?" This had the odd effect of the dark-boned skeleton freezing, sadness flickering across his face, while the lighter-boned one glanced away. "I'm Blue," he said. "-screen," he hurriedly tacked on, "Bluescreen, and that's... Errant."

Those names were obviously fake, but that wasn't any of Nightmare's business, so he let it be. "It's awful late," he commented, keeping a neutral tone. "Where are your parents? Do you have a place to stay?"
'Errant' still seemed incapable of responding, so 'Bluescreen' answered again. "Never knew our parents, and we're staying in this alleyway." He probably should have lied, but it was Nightmare! A different Nightmare, but still...

"...Alright, how about I show you two to a shelter I know of for homeless children? There'll be food and a warm place to sleep," Nightmare suggested. 'Errant', finally overcoming his shock, shook his head. "₩ę HąVě Å wĄŕM p£ä€ę," he explained, tapping the sheet of metal leaning against the wall. "Do you live around here?" 'Bluescreen' suddenly asked. Nightmare got the feeling he was deliberately changing the subject, but he answered anyway. "Yeah, a couple blocks away."
"Then you can visit us!" Bluescreen declared happily. "You are obviously worried," he elaborated after Nightmare gave him a startled look. "This way, you can check up on us and make sure we're doing okay!"

The only thing Nightmare could think was, 'Well, I guess I don't have an excuse not to walk to school anymore.'

"...Alright," he reluctantly agreed. "Say, can you come out into the light? I want to see you properly." Bluescreen cheerfully entered the beam of the streetlamps, tugging a hesitant Errant behind him. Nightmare frowned. Errant was a dead ringer for Erratum, scars, tear tracks, and all, though the scars seemed more healed, and yet many were newer? It was mildly disconcerting. "Errant, you look a lot like someone I know... His name is Erratum, does that ring any bells?"

In the space between multiverses, Destiny and Chaos were cheering quietly. This may not have been what Destiny was planning, but she was sure as hell going to make sure it worked anyways.

"That's the second Error, isnt it?" whispered Bluescreen to Errant. "¥èÅh," he whispered back. "We should go meet him tomorrow," declared Bluescreen. "Will you take us to him?"
Nightmare nodded slowly. "He works with me at the high school near here. I don't know where he goes after that, though."

Luckily, Errant had an easy solution. "₩hĂť 1f ¥őŰ ȚåĶê Ůş Ţø $ćHõ0ł ₩įŤh ¥öÚ?"
"Wha- I can't do that?" Nightmare said, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.
"Aww, c'mon," persuaded Bluescreen. "We wont be any trouble!"
"₩ë €āŅ jÚšŢ hÅñĞ øÙť 1ņ Țh3 çÅf3ț3ŕ1ā 0ř $øMéŢh1ňĢ," added Errant.

Nightmare sighed. "Fine," he said, throwing his hands in the air exasperatedly. He noticed that Errant flinched slightly at the sudden movement. "Are you two sure you'll be alright?" he asked softly. Bluescreen smiled gently. "We'll be fine. You should be on your way now. See you tomorrow!"

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