A Skele-TON of Creepypastas

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A Skele-TON of Creepypastas

Lol I was going to try to make Error not be the most powerful person in this universe but it's kinda hard to do that when the most powerful beings are, like... maybe Dream/Nightmare level in terms of power. So they're closer than most, but if it came down to it, Error would win by a mile.

Jeff was humming, and it was annoying everyone in the mansion.

It was particularly annoying to Slenderman because he had just felt a disturbance in the Balance.

The Balance was between Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Yin and Yang, et cetera. His Proxies usually called it the Gray, as it was neither- or both, or between- Light and Dark. Slenderman, along with his brothers, was tasked with protecting the Balance, and thus employed Proxies to shift the Balance when necessary, since the '-dermans' (his Proxies' term for them) couldn't leave their properties- except when they visited each other; even then, they have to teleport onto the property- because just them being outside of the protected areas affected the Balance horribly. Splenderman and Trenderman pushed it towards Good, whereas Slenderman and Offenderman did the opposite. Their Proxies did that too, but to a much, much lesser extent.

But there was a problem.

The ripple in the Balance was absolutely gigantic, like one of his brothers had teleported to a random city. It was leaning quite heavily towards Dark, so Offenderman was the one responsible; either that or there was a new being in play. Slenderman called him and asked about it. "Aw, lil' bro, you couldn't possibly think I've got anything to do with this, do you?" the youngest of the -dermans replied, mocking offense. "I protect the Balance as much as you do, y'know. Would you rather contact our Good brothers or check it out?"

"I'd rather check it out, if it's all the same to you," the second-eldest of the -dermans decided, ignoring the fact that his younger brother called him 'little bro'. "The force feels destructive in nature, rather than emotive, like Splenderman or you, so tell Trenderman to ramp up the creation stuff."

Offenderman snorted. " 'Creation stuff'? I know you don't really pay attention to what the Good side does, but really? And more importantly, why can't I differentiate between physical and emotional disturbances in the Balance? Only you and Splenderman can! It's not fair!" Slenderman imagined him pouting as he said it and tried desperately not to crack up. He was viewed as the calm, sensible brother, and he had no inclination of ruining that image for any Proxies that happened to overhear.

"Well," he said thoughtfully, having never really thought about it before, "Maybe it's because we're the oldest?"

"By just three centuries! We're all millennias old!"


"...Did you literally just say 'shrug'?" Offenderman asked him incredulously.

"Well, we can't see each other! How else are you to know how little I care?"

"That's ridiculous. You're ridiculous. I'm out." Offenderman hung up and went to contact Trenderman.

Slenderman pondered which Proxy to send. Jeff walked by his office, humming; he was definitely annoying everyone on purpose now. If Slenderman had a mouth, he would be grinning maliciously now. "Jeff, could you come in here for a moment?" he called. Jeff nervously came in, probably thinking about whatever he did that Slenderman wouldn't approve of. "I need you to check on-" He paused, feeling for the exact location of the disturbance. "...Times Square, there's been a major tip in the Balance there. Take whatever or whoever's causing it and bring them here, preferably alive. Subdue or incapacitate them if necessary. Bring one other Proxy, you may choose who."

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