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Kirishima's P.O.V

      I slice the razor through my skin and watch the blood pour out. I've kind of missed this feeling, the stinging pain. As soon as I did one- I wanted to do more. Soon one, two, three, twelve cuts littered by arms. 

          I was about to do another one when I heard a knock at the door." Kiri! It's Mina!" I look down at the mess on my arms. '......GOD!'. "I-I'll BE RIGHT THERE!! J-JUST WAIT ONE SECONDD!!" I yell while fumbling my way to the bathroom. Swinging open my cabinet doors and making a mess, I find the disinfectant, a gauze and some old bandages. I quickly dab my cuts with a cottonball put a gauze and wrap bandages around them. I make my way over to my closet and pull down a random sweater. Pulling it on I run and open the door." H-hi Mina." I say scratching the nape of my neck pulling off the fakest grin I can muster.

                " H-hi Kiri." She answered mimicking my constant stuttering. " Well I got like different ice-creams and shit cause I didn't know which flavor you liked. She said holding up a "Target" grocery bag. I remembered why she was here again. " Well thanks....I guess" I say leaving the door open walking over to my bed. 

                  I see her glance at me and give me a frown before closing the door and walking over to me- ice cream in hand. " D'awww Kiriiii I know it's a little early for this but, you have to get over him. Bakugou doesn't date- I'm pretty sure he doesn't even have emotions. He's just some Pomeranian with anger issues." She said opening one of the ice creams." I guess your right................oh- but he could've been my Pomeraniannnn." I say taking a pillow and hugging it. I hear Mina chuckle. " Lets just forget him, for now at least ok? She says petting me and handing me a spoon.

To be continued.

Sorry this was just a filler because I'm being rushed to finish by my sister

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