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     So I said in another chapter I would explain a story I would like to write. However if you think I shouldn't write it I will wait a little before I do write it. So I'm going to explain my O.c's and what they look like since I don't know how to post pics since i'm on a computer. My o.c's live in the mha universe there names are Milo and Tristan. Milo is a underage prostitute who has been through a LOT I will explain his backstory in the story. Tristan is a villain who gets in his feelings over something (I will explain in the story). And ends up going to this prostitute house with his sister, Jamie. He meets Milo and the story starts.


Age: 16                                                                                                                                                                                Quirk: He was born with cat ears and a cat tail.                                                                                                 Likes: Lollipops, (Cuz he likes to suck on things;3) sweets, being pet, wearing womens clothes, scary movies, and living in a blanket, long showers                                                                       Dislikes: Being hit,( Due to reasons mentioned in the story) alarms, doing dishes, hero's,(Like the hero's in the mha franchise) being cold, and homophobes                                                     Birthday: October 9                                                                                                                                                         Sexuality: Pan                                                                                                                                                    Description: Milo doesn't know how emotions work due to his corrupted childhood, he always felt something missing, always felt lonely, and was very masochistic.                    


Age: 20                                                                                                                                                                                Quirk: He also has cat ears and a tail, but is also able to transform into a puma for 10 minutes when he's mad.                                                                                                                                                 Likes: Horror movies, affection, being a kinky little whore, the e-boy style, snow, mochi, and  taking long night walks                                                                                                                                         Dislikes: Being bossed around, snobs, crying, folding shirts, when Milo doesn't fucking PUT THE TOOTHPASTE CAP BACK ON, Disney movies, and broccoli-yes, broccoli                             Sexuality: Thought he was straight but is very much gay                                                                           Description: Something happened that plummeted him into depression, he is very insecure due to it but is always happy. He is in a small villain group and is very dangerous when he's angry

Him and Milo are always fighting about the stupidest stuff but always end up apologizing. Its really cute tbh

Milo has curly short hair, similar to Deku's but tamer and yellow-brown his eyes are blue. He has cat ears  and a tail that match his hair color he is very thicc and has milky-white skin with freckles. You will most likely see him wearing girls clothes. His name is pronounced MY-LOW.

Tristan has red hair with cat ears and tail that match. He has green eyes and is light skinned he is most likely wearing e-boy styled clothing he is actaully only a foot taller than Milo. His hair is tame and straight(lol).

Well thats it I planned out the story already so if you think I should write it please comment.

Nya~ Bye!

- Author-sama<3

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