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         Kirishima will be VERY VERY VERY OOC in this chapter, so expect it, Also by masochist Kirishima doesn't mean it in a sexual way, ok bye!!

Kirishima's P.O.V

   I look through my closet grabbing the razor I hid from Mina. One by one cuts littered my arms. 'No one can make it hurt like this~. Not even him.' I felt my sanity slowly slipping away. A smile creeping onto my face. I started giggling then laughing which slowly turned into crying, then sobbing.

" Am I just everyone's punching bag?!" I yell clawing at my arms. " I'm just some fag!! Haha- with no importance at all!! I'm going to hell!! I'm some masochist that can't do shit! A failure! NO one will ever fucking love me!! HELL! Bakugou FUCking katsuki doesn't even-........." I stop talking, sanity slowly coming back." Haha, look at the mess I made." I say to myself. I clean myself off and put the razors back. Thinking about earlier with Mina I gag. I walk to my bathroom and lock the door behind me, I don't even know why- it's not like anyone cares to check on me anyway.

    I look at myself in the mirror, I look psychotic, a burn mark on my forehead, my hair messy and strained, blood on my jacket bandages riddled my arms, the eyebags under my eyes were very visible. I laugh. ' How did it ever come to this?' I ask myself. I open my cabinet and take out a toothbrush. 'Pathetic..I can't even use my own hands.' I shove the toothbrush down my throat and feel the vomit rushing up my throat I run over to the toilet and let it all out. I stay on the ground leaning on the sink before mustering enough strength to get up. I look in the mirror and then open my cabinet, grabbing sleeping pills and pain pills.

   'Whichh oneeee, how about both?Would that kill me?I don't think so'. I thought. I popped open the pill bottles and took at least five of each. I swallowed them dry. I flushed the toilet, turned off the lights and changed into a oversized, old t-shirt. I slipped into bed and looked at the alarm clock.' 9:00 kinda early but it doesn't matter I probably won't be able to sleep anyways. I wonder if the sleeping pills will work'. 

8 hours later~

    Are you kidding me??? I took like 5 frikin sleeping pills, that's more than the prescription told me to, and I still can't fucking sleep.

  'I guess I'll just start my day since I probably won't get any sleep anytime soon.' I thought.

I'll go out for a morning run.

    Look! Look! I posted to lengthy chapters I one day!! This is to make up for not posting two days ago due to dumb problems 

Bye! :3

-Author-Sama <3


DramaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora