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Kirishima's P.O.V

    I turn off my phone and change into a different pair of clothes, wishing time would just stop. Opening my dorm door I turn and look to my left, unconsciously staring at Bakugou's door. "Hey! Kirishima!" I'm knocked out of my daze by someone cheerfully yelling my name. Turning my head to look in front of me, Kaminari was waving his hand while Sero smiled at me while walking behind him.'His smile looks so genuine'. I thought. I quickly put on a strained smile, not really caring to try but hoping it still looked believable. " Hey guys!!" I yell walking towards them.

       " Dude, you guys like totally ditched us at the cafe!" Kaminari said pointing his thumb behind him and pouting. " Sorry, your right that wasn't very manly of me" I say 'laughing'. " Yah, me and Hanta were so confused." Kaminari said wrapping his arm around Sero's arm. 'Hanta?'. I thought. Sero blushes a bit. I remembered my lame excuse of a father was expecting me, and didn't like when I was late. " Well s-sorry guys, but I have something really important to do, so bye!!" I say speed-walking past them. I hear their byes from behind me and I quickly run out after turning the corner.

Time skip~

      I stopped running after checking my phone and realizing I'm ahead of time. The walk felt like an eternity, and I dreaded every second of it. Stepping on the driveway and walking towards the door I wondered what he called me over for. I knock on the door when I realize it's open. I open the door and walk through. Being hit with the reeking smell of smoke and beer I coughed and covered my nose. I hear a gruff mumble and then a yell from upstairs. " Is that you Eijirou?!". My dad yelled. Who else is it supposed to be?. " Yes, father!" I yell from downstairs quickly picking up beer bottles and yeeting them into the trash(Im sorry I had to). I hear stomps coming from the stairs and looked at my father smoking a cigarette, he looked fucking horrible as always.

     " what do you want?!" I semi-shouted. He grinned, sheepishly and walked towards me, still smoking. " I can't see my beloved son?" He said smiling pushing some of my red hair behind my ear. I internally shivered and gagged. " You have no right to call me your son." I say, kind of proud for defending myself, that feeling quickly went away when his eyes burned with anger. He put his hand through my hair, and I froze. 

      He kept putting his hand through my hair, before he did it again, but he kept his hand still in my hair, before yanking me forward, my face clashing with his knee I yelped in pain, which made him angrier. " Did I say you could make any noise, pussy?!" He started yanking me across the room and threw me against the wall. He pushed me by my shoulders up on the wall, and took a puff from the cigarette that's been in his mouth. He stared at me for a second before scrunching up his nose in disgust. I prayed he would drop me and let me leave, I was so wrong.

    He took a look at the cigarette in his hand. Then whispered in my ear. " Scream, and  I'll fuck you till' you can't fucking move." He took his cigarette and pressed it to the left of my forehead. I felt the burning sensation and I internally begged to faint. The burning feeling got worse. I put my hand over my mouth to stop from screaming as tears pooled my eyes and flowed down my face, he wouldn't stop, I bit down on my finger till' I tasted blood. He finally stopped. I wanted to cry from relief. He let go of his hold from my shoulders and loomed over me. He walked away to the kitchen, my eyes were blurry from all the tears and I hoped he would go away I heard him slam the fridge door close and open a beer bottle. He walked over to me took a long sip from the beer bottle, then he spit on me. I didn't care I just wanted to leave.

    "Fucking weakling" He said before stomping upstairs and slamming his door. ' All of that just to leave to your room......Next time try harder and kill me.' I thought. I stand up and wobble around, ignoring the pain...I deserve it anyway. I walk all the way back to the dorm, and into my room. I shut the door and turn on my lamp. I didn't know what to feel, so I did what solves everything and walk into my closet, searching for my razor.

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