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"Do you ever wonder if there are others like us?" Ink asked from where he sat under a tree, licking at his sea salt ice cream.

"The multiverse has enough of a hard time holding us, Ink. That's probably why Nighty and Dream are more along the lines of demigods, or at least strength-wise, and not gods," Error said from where he laid on lush grass, watching the fluffy white clouds glide through the sky.

"Heh... it would be nice, they would understand our issues and duties so much better than everyone else does," Ink said, sighing.

Error said nothing for a minute, thinking, but his face told Ink a thousand words.

"Mind you, if there were others, then they would have to deal with Fate and the rest of the deities too," said Error.

"So they wouldn't really be any better off than us," mumbled Ink, realizing. "They could be out there, just trapped due to their own job or something like that."

"We can't worry about that, Inky. We have enough problems of our own without seeking out others," said Error sadly.

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