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Ink stood in a place between worlds, a strange place where twinkling stars, vibrant colors, and strange images surrounded him.

Swirls of the multiverse's data, proclaiming each AU's condition, curled around him, glowing in colors he couldn't name. It was beautiful and breathtaking, a place that only two beings could access.

Unlike what many thought, neither he or Error spent all of their time creating or destroying, staying in the Anti-Void or Doodle Sphere, or even just hanging with their friends.

This was the core, where all that was the multiverse gathered.

He gathered the data in his hands, spreading it around, repairing it, and seeing if he had to create anything.

Multicolored hands helped spread the data, looking for the broken, jagged code that could not be repaired, the worlds that would end up having to be destroyed.

Finally, they both released the data, smiles on their faces.

Looks like they could have fun for awhile, as all was well.

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