Nightmare's Nightmare

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Nightmare's first thought at seeing them was a whole lot of swear words, half of which didn't even make sense.

Every time he ran across Order and Chaos, something happened.

Last time, the twins had gotten him drunk somehow, and when he woke up, he was in a slinky red dress.

"Heya, pretty," Chaos purred, their amber eyelights bright.

Nightmare fled. Order, also known as Error, giggled as Chaos- Ink- pouted.

"I thought I'd get 'em again," Ink complained. "I wanted to get him to wear that sparkly maid dress with the ruffles..."

Error snickered at Ink's disappointment, but then imagined Nightmare in said dress, and just started dying of laughter.

"I'm sure we can get Dream to do it," Error suggested.

"But it won't be as funny," Ink answered sadly.

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