It's a Secret

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Now and then, Ink liked to see the multiverse from other perspectives.

Usually he saw it as the Creator, as a Star Sans.

As a protector.

Sometimes, he'd sneak away, disguise himself in different ways so that people would not instantly recognize him as Ink.

The eyes were annoying to hide, by the way.

Even more amusingly, Error would often join him, also in disguise, and the pair would play as twin skeletons, wandering the multiverse.

The best thing was when their friends fell for it.

They'd run into both Dream and Nightmare in their disguises, and neither had recognized Error or himself.

Really, with nicknames like Chaos and Order, how was no one figuring it out?

Oh, wait, no, someone had. It was Blue, of course. Blue always seemed to be the exception. He was too observant and clever for them to fool like that.

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