Devil Child

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Suggested by: ChaosDancer12



"No, Blue," Dream stated firmly.

"But he's so cute at this age!" Blue protested, cuddling Ink, who, in an accident with an experimental paint mixture, had changed himself into a five year old.

And... who had just escaped again to run off like a sugar crazed nut.

"That is not cute!" Dream shouted, pointing at the chaos and damage left behind by the tornado of a small child.

Wait... did he just see an Axetale Temmie?

No, that was definitely stress speaking.

"Inky, what are you doing?" A glitched voice asked. They all turned, startled, to see Error of all people standing there.

In their base, their shielded, well-hidden base.

"Ruru!" Ink cried, running to the destroyer excitedly.

Error facepalmed. He was the king of facepalms at this point, really.

"I thought I told you no more neon pink paint after last time?" Error said exasperatedly, scooping the neo-child up.

"At least this only lasts 24 hours," Error said. Dream twitched.

It had only been twenty minutes.

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