Costume Party

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Snow and I, just can't resist writing Chaos and Order for some reason. so don't be surprised if they gain a series themselves or appear in Snows or other peoples multiverses. mind you if you wan to borrow please ask. lol

It was the night before Halloween. And of course, Dream and Nightmare ended up at the same party.

Then, they realized that Order and Chaos were there also.

The pair's identical figures were impossible to tell apart unless one knew what to look for, as the only difference between them was a tattoo. Chaos had a small tattoo beside his left eye that was red, and Order had a matching one on the right that was blue.

The twins were only barely taller than Blue, with large, sparkling amber eyelights- bordering on golden- that shone like stars. Their slim figures and delicate bone structure gave them an androgynous appearance, with it being difficult to tell if they were male or female until they spoke.

Slim golden necklaces with a four-pointed star- a save point, to be precise- dangling in the front shimmered, catching any light and reflecting it.

They wore long sleeve shirts with a gradient that faded from white to the same yellow hue as the stars on their necklaces. Simple black pants were paired with midnight blue combat boots, complete with tiny dangling save stars on the ends of the laces.

To complete the rather striking look, hooded midnight blue cloaks lay over the rest. If someone stared long enough, they would swear that they saw stars falling in the dark fabric.

Anyone would admit that they were freaking adorable.

But right now, the chaotic duo were wearing cat masks, matching cat masks trimmed with tiny stars.

They couldn't tell them apart.

That meant that if they talked to one of them, it could be Chaos... and, well, there went the night.

At least Order was sane!

Spiking the punch with ten feet away, Blue cackled.

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