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"I love you Beatrice" caleb cries

"I love you too" I cry

Then he goes into the weapons lab. I have lost my brother, he scarified himself for me, for my friends, for our city. This was the hardest thing to do, let him lead to his own death.




I cry then rock back and fourth on the ground with my hands wrapped around my legs. Caleb is gone, I should of went then instead of him. Why am I so stupid, I could of survived the memory serum instead of him. I sob into my hands. I hear a beep coming out from outside. Tobias must be here because it sounds like a truck. I run outside my room and down the hallway to the outside of the bureau.
I see tobias get out of the truck and I sprint towards him and I jump into his arms. Tears come down my face and he just fits his mouth to mine. I can tell he is crying too.

"I missed you so much" I cry

"Me too, I couldn't be away from you that long" he cries

"Caleb is gone" I sigh

"I know, but he is in a better place now" he chuckles

"I feel so empty, he was the last family member I have left" I mumble

"Remember in abnegation, I said I would be your family now" he says

"I remember that but he was the last family member I was related too" I cry

"I know, but we can get through this together" he says

"Okay" I cry

"Come on, let's go inside" he says

"Okay" I sigh


I toss back and fourth in my bed. My memories of caleb, my family in abnegation. The choosing ceremony were I betrayed my parents. Everything about my family just haunts me. I open my eyes and I realize I'm sweating. Tobias is sound asleep right next to me, I pull the covers off of me and I sit up. I get up from the bed and I grab my robe. My bare feet touch the hardwood floor, I open the door and walk down the hallway. It's maybe around 3 am I'm betting. I walk down the gene area and I hear people talking. I walk further I see Mathew talking with someone. I back away and listen to what they're saying.

"Sam do you think I could bring someone back just with some serum" Mathew says

"With all the data I have I think it's very possible, there's a 50% this could work" Sam says

"Sam I don't know, this is risky remember what happened when the United States messed with genes we caused a war and I do not want another one" Mathew snaps

"This won't cause another war I promise, but this could change science forever and live as it is" Sam says

"Fine we will experiment this serum soon and see how it works, I don't know how this could bring someone back but I guess we could try it" Mathew says

Why is Mathew talking about? What the hell does he mean bringing someone back? What's with this "special serum"? This makes no freaking sense? I walk back to my room when I hear a sound of crumbling paper. I pick it up and look what it is in the dim hallway light.

In the past year, the serum has been showing that with one chemical called reposlite, could react to the brain to bring molecules to pump a heart so a human could come back to life.
I shake my head maybe it's nothing I crumble the paper and I put it into the pocket in my robe and I walk back to my room.


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