{Chapter One}

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"Thank you Pomona!" Kevin Ghost screams at the crowd.
The crowd roars right back at him. I sit and listen to the show on a little stool behind the Ghost Town merch table. The band should be coming back in a couple minutes to start signing CDs and whatever else the fans want signed. I see the crowd of people forming a blobby line at the next table where they're signing. I sit straight and wait. This is the time stragglers come on by to purchase last minute merch for the signing. I feel a light tap on my shoulder.
"Hey Millicent," Alix greets me on his way into the little tent.
"Great show, Alix!" I give him a high five.
"Thanks! Time to sign shit!" He chuckles.
"You did good out there, Kevin," I hold my hand up expecting a high five, but instead he gives me a nod and keeps walking.
I should be used to that by now. Kevin never seemed to care for me much. I don't know why though, I haven't done one thing wrong. I've been working for the band for almost a year now. You would've thought in a year he would've gotten used to me by now. Guess not.
A girl comes up to my table, "can I get "The After Party" shirt, please," the girl asks while getting money out.
"Sure, that'll be $20," I smile.
She hands over the money, I give her the shirt, then she gets back in line with her friends.
After about an hour of signing the band decides it's a good time to start walking around and meeting some more fans. My job right now? To wait and watch for the buyers. I don't get a break really. I just wait and watch. All day, everyday.
Soon morning turns to night. I start packing up so we can hit the road. As I pack up all the shirt and help take down the tents and tables the band chats about their whole set. They talk about what to do better next time and what they can tone down a bit.
I decide to take a break and talk amongst them as well, "hey guys!"
"Hey Millicent," Alix wraps his arm around my shoulder.
Alix is like my brother. We've known each other for awhile now. He's the one who helped me get this job.
"How much in sales did we make today?" Kevin dictates.
"Um, alot? I don't know yet I haven't counted," I ponder.
He grunts.
"Yo Kevin calm your tits," Manny awkwardly laughs.
Everyone quiets down. I decide to go count the money.
"Well I'm going to go count the money now," I point towards the table.
I go over to the only table still up and start counting. A slight tear escapes my eye. I wipe it away quickly. I've been nothing but nice to Kevin. I just want to know what I did wrong. I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I turn around to see who it is, "oh hey Evan," my voice quavers.
"You okay Mil?" he asks while rubbing my back.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Tell me what's up," he grabs a chair then sits.
"It's nothing," I reply as I keep counting the money.
"Oh come on Mil. I know it's something. You can tell me anything," he begs.
"Okay fine," I look at his face and he's smiling. I make grin a bit back.
"Okay so about Kevin what's up his butt? Why doesn't he like me?" I question.
He humphs, "beats me. He won't tell any of us."
"Really?" I take a side look at him while still counting the money.
"Yeah," he gets up, "let me help you."
He helps me count the money. Over 1,500 dollars is in the cash register and that's only the first day. After counting the cash we clean up the rest of the stuff in our area. Evan and I head out towards the bus with the last of the stuff. I go to get in, but he grabs my arm.
"Don't let Kevin get to you, okay?" He smiles down at me.
"Okay. I won't," I smile back. He kisses my nose. I blush.
I've always had a crush on him, and I know he has one on me too. We're always being cute together. Almost the whole band knows about it. They all ship us, except for one. That's Kevin. I shove the thought of Kevin out of my head.
"Well we should probably get in the bus now," he chuckles.
"Okay," I drag my "Y" out.
We climb up the stairs into the bus. When we get in there all eyes fall on us. I blush a little.
"Oh great, the two lovers are here," Kevin rolls his eyes, "did you at least count the money like I said?"
"Uh yeah. I did. There's over 1,500 dollars," I respond.
"You could've done better," he gets up and walks into the bathroom.
My mouth is trying to get words out but instead it looks like a fish.
"What did I do?" I feel tears in my eyes.
"Don't worry. You didn't do anything. He's just being a jerk," Evan says.
Evan grabs my hand and squeezes. Manny gets up, comes over, and gives me a hug. The others all do the same. It turns into a group hug. The bus door opens once more. Alister walks in. Everyone lets go of me.
"Woah, what's going on here?" he asks puzzled.
We all laugh.

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