{Chapter Five}

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The next few days are quiet. Kevin doesn't talk to me in what I think Is fear that Evan will beat his ass. He avoids Evan and me at all costs really. Evan, on the other hand, has been with me at all times. He doesn't leave me unless he has to play a show. The others only talk to me when it's necessary. I don't think they're mad at me. They're scared of my guard dog who's name is Evan. I didn't think I would ever break up the band. Lately I have been thinking that I should just go after Warped Tour. They can find a new merch girl. I never meant for all this to happen.
I walk towards the tent with my merch boxes. I haven't gotten much sleep lately so I won't be surprised if I fall asleep while selling. I put them down on the ground and make my way back to the bus to get more boxes. There's at least ten of them. As I'm walking to the bus I see Kevin sitting on the ground between our bus and another. I check around for Evan. He's nowhere to be seen. I walk over to Kevin.
"Psst," I flag him over to me.
He looks around with his tired eyes then gets up.
"You know Evan will beat my ass if he sees me talking to you," he mutters.
"I want to say I'm sorry for all of this. I'm going to quit my job when Warped is over," I whisper to him.
He looks sad, "I'm sorry too. I should've just accepted you. Well I did accept you, but..." he trails off.
"But what?"
"Well I was jealous," his face turns a red color.
"Why though?" I ask a little confused then it hits me, "oh."
"Yeah. I like Evan."
"Well that's okay. I understand," I say.
Just then I hear Evan calling my name. He comes around the corner.
"Why are you talking to him?" He demands.
"He really didn't do anything wrong Evan. You're making to big of a deal over nothing," I rant.
"Evan, I said I was sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her. I promise," Kevin looks Evan in the eyes.
Evan moves closer to him.
"Well I'm going to be quitting when Warped Tour is over, so this will all end," I snap at Evan .
Evan looks back at me and back at Kevin, "whatever. I'll be walking around if you need me."
He storms off in the opposite direction as us.
I sit down on the ground, "I don't know what has gotten into him lately."
Kevin sits next to me, "I'm sorry. this is all my fault really."
"No. It's not."
Kevin shakes his head, "yes it is. I'll fix this. We have to show him we're getting along. I don't want you to quit because of me."
I look him in the eyes, "okay."
He smiles at me. Actually smiles. I smile back.
The whole day flies by. I have sold $3,000 worth of merch which is the best I've done yet. As I'm cleaning up Kevin comes by the tent.
"Hey. I was wondering. We have a day off tomorrow and there's a bar right across the street. Would you like to come have a drink with me? I'll pay," he offers.
"Uhhh... I'm not a heavy drinker, but sure I'll have a beer," I accept his offer.
An hour later we're heading over to the bar. It's a little bar and not many people are in it. I hop onto the little stool in front of the bar.
"You must really like stools, huh?" Kevin laughs.
I roll my eyes. The bartender comes over to us.
"What can I get you guys to drink? Wait, wait let me guess. A margarita and a beer?"
"Actually we would like two beers to start," Kevin answers for me.
"Alright," the bartender winks at me.
"So how are you liking traveling around with us?" Kevin asks.
"Well, it was fun until this stupid drama. Evan's acting a little ridiculous in my opinion. I mean I love him," Kevin flinches, "Im sorry. We can talk about something else."
"No, no. I have to get over him," Kevin insists.
"Okay. Well it's tiring to be traveling so much. Today I almost fell asleep several times," I laugh.
The bartender comes back with our beers and sets them down in front of us.
"Here you go," he winks at me again.
I shift uncomfortably.
Kevin grabs his beer and takes a big gulp. I take a sip of mine.
"So are you gay? Or bisexual? I don't really mind if you are," I ask politely.
"I'm bisexual, but I don't know, I lean more towards the gay side of things," he nervously laughs.
"I'm not going to judge you. you're still a human," I assure him.
He smiles.
We both take a sip of our own beer.
We start chatting for a long time about things that are bothering us and things we like. Kevin and I have a lot of things in common, it's kind of unrealistic at first. We act like we've been best friends for a long time while we drink our beers. After my third beer I'm a little out of it.
We leave after Kevin's 5th beer and my 4th beer. It's a pain walking to the bus. I can barely stand on my own. Kevin and I stumble together though.
We get to the bus. I open the door and the band look up at us. I'm on the floor. Kevin is tripping over me. Alix comes over to help me into the bus.
"Hey guys," Kevin slurs.
Alix puts me on the couch with Evan. I put my head on his lap.
Kevin is still on the ground.
"Hey babe. You're looking hot," I poke Evan on the chest.
"What did he do...?" Is all I hear from him. Next thing I know I'm sleeping on his lap.

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