{Chapter Four}

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In about an hour we're at the next stop. As usual I help unpack, set up, and sell merch. It's the same everyday. I sit on my stool waiting for costumers. A ton of people come today. Once I get a break from all the people, I count the money that I've gotten so far. 2,500 dollars and it's only 12 o'clock. The day drags on.
When Two o'clock comes around I see the band approaching the tent.
"Hey babes. Alister is going to take over for an hour or two. I want you to come with me," Evan says.
I nod and stand, "Where are we going?" I question. The others tag along.
"Our set starts soon. I want you to stay backstage and listen," Evan grabs my hand.
We walk around for about half an hour then it's time for them to go play. Evan leads me to the stage. I wait behind the stage.
They start playing Monster.
Got a bottle in hand
Full throttle, Im back again
All the lives that I've wasted
This cycle will never end!
Got a picture of you
In the life that we knew
Now the thoughts of your body
Are haunting me
It's all a show oh oh oh oh ohhhhh
I got a place for the wicked to go
Towards the end of the show Evan takes the mic from Kevin.
"I would like to invite a very special girl to the stage. Millicent!" Evan tells into the mic.
My hands shoot up to my mouth. I walk onto the stage waving at everyone.
"Now Millicent, I need to ask you a very serious question. We've known eachother for awhile now and I think it's time for me to ask you this. Will you be my girlfriend?" The crowd shouts.
"Of course I will," I say, tears in my eyes.
I look past Evan and see Kevin heading offstage. I ignore it though. Evan snatches me by my waist and kisses me.
The crowd goes wild.
After the show Evan and I a walk around for a while before I get back to work. He laces his fingers through mine and we walk hand in hand together. We make our way back to the tent.
"I have a signing soon baby, so I have to go," he leans over and kisses me one last time before going.
"Bye," I smile at him.
He wonders off into the crowd.
"Congratulations," Alister nods, "you two make a cute couple."
"Thanks," I say and take a seat on my stool.
"I'm going to go walk around for awhile, so I'll see you on the bus."
He walks off. I sit, waiting for more people.
The end of the day comes fast. I eagerly pack up so I can go spend time with Evan. Right as I'm putting the shirts away in their labeled boxes the band comes up to me.
"Have you seen Kevin?" Alix asks with an eyebrow raised.
"Nope. It's just me packing up right now," I answer while folding shirts.
"Hmm, alright. Do you want us to do the rest? You can take some time off and maybe keep an eye out for Kevin," Evan offers.
I finish folding the shirt in my hand and put it away, "Yeah. That'd be cool babe," I give him a hug and walk off.
I take a stroll around all of the tents. I stop at the Vans tent to take a look at some cool shirts. I end up buying one for myself. I keep walking around until I find myself at the bus. I take a peek in and see no one is in there yet. I decide to look at all of the other buses that are here. I follow the bus around to the back. I hear a sniffling noise.
"Uh. Somebody back here?" I somewhat shout.
"Go away."
I see Kevin sitting there with his head buried in his arms. I walk over to him.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask soothingly.
"No. Leave me alone."
I try to put my arm around him.
"I said go away!" He swats at me and hits me square in the nose.
I bolt in the opposite direction as Kevin.
I hear a faint, "Millicent! I'm sorry!"
I really didn't think he would actually strike me.
I run back to where our tent is, hoping the band is still cleaning up. I see Alix. My face is all red and I'm crying.
"Millicent? What's wrong?" He runs up to me. I stop walking and wrap my arms around him.
"Kevin. He...he hit me," I say between sniffles.
"What?" Evan walks up to us.
"Apparently Kevin hit her," Alix replies for me.
"Holy shit, really?" Evan says in a surprised tone.
"Yeah. He hit me when I asked what was wrong. He said go away but I was just trying to be nice. You know? He swatted at me and hit my nose."
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Kevin comes running over. He slows his pace when the whole band starts glaring at him.
"It was an accident!" He puts his hands up in the air.
"Yeah. Sure Kevin," Evan spots at him.
"I swear! I didn't mean to hit her."
"It might have been an accident..." I put my arm on Evan.
"Yeah right. Ever since you got here Kevin has given you a hard time," Evan says a little too loud.
"It's fine. I'm fine," I try to calm him.
The others just stand and watch.
"It's not right for him to treat you like this, Millicent. Even if it was an accident he treats you like crap," Evan rants, "are you just going to stand up for him when all he's done to you is treat you like you're nothing?"
"Evan, I'm fine. It was an accident!" I croak.
"Whatever. I'm going to the bus," then he storms off just like that.


Hey guys so you should go check out my cousin carlylovesbands Because she's awesome and she helps with my writing!

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