{Chapter Two}

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I wake up on Evan's chest. I must've fallen asleep while watching the movie with him last night. I sit up and stretch. I figure the bus is stopped somewhere for a break. I get up off the couch. Evan wakes up.
"You can sleep more if you want. I'm going to go walk around," I pat his knee.
He grunts and falls back asleep. I walk to the bus' door and go out into the cold air. I walk over to a bathroom where we're stopped. The sign on the side says San Diego. I can smell the salty air as well. I open the door to the unisex bathroom.
I look at the toilet and Kevin is there sleeping with his pants down. I giggle.
His head shoots up, "Wha?"
I slam the door still laughing. I wait outside for him to get out. I hear the toilet flush and the water turn on. Then he comes out.
His face turns bright red when he sees me, "did you...uh...see me in there?"
"Yeah," I giggle.
"My butt is numb," is all he says then walks away still embarrassed.
I look around and see a vending machine.
"Hey!" I shout to Kevin before he goes into the bus.
"What?" he snaps.
"Well I was going to ask if you wanted a Poptart or something from that vending machine over there," I offer looking at the ground
"Sure," he walks back over.
We go to the vending machine. He gets a bag of chips and an energy drink.
"You're really going to eat that now?" I question.
"Uh... I might drink the energy drink now, but I'm not going to eat the chips," he answers quietly.
"Alright," I chuckle.
"Why are you even getting me food? I've been an ass to you."
"I don't know. I just thought you would like something to eat. I know I would," I shrug.
"Well...uh...thanks," he opens his drink and takes a gulp, "you want a sip?"
"Sure," I take a sip, "thanks."
We walk back to the bus together. He opens the door for me. I go up the steps and sit on the couch with Evan. He's still sleeping but wakes up once Kevin comes in.
He looks around only to smile when he sees me, "Millicent, I'm cold."
I lay on him. He wraps his arm around me. Kevin stand there sipping his drink.
"Where'd you get that?" Evan asks.
"Millicent got it from a vending machine for me," he points out the window.
"Guys shut up! I'm trying to sleep," Alix screeches from behind his curtain.
I smile at Evan. I give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Let me go get dressed and we can go for a walk," he suggests.
"Okay," I sit up so he can get up.
He gets clothes. I turn around facing Kevin so he can get dressed. Kevin looks around awkwardly.
"So you want to come with us Kevin?" I ask.
"What? oh...i don't know..." he mumbles.
"I know you want to," Evan smirks.
"Nah, you guys go have fun," he grins at Evan.
That's the first time I've ever seen him smile with me around.
"Okay, if you say so," Evan winks at me, "you ready?"
"Yep!" I jump up.
We head out the door. I peak my head back around the corner before walking out. Kevin's already sitting on the couch watching tv.
"See ya," I smile. He looks at me, but doesn't say a word.
Evan and I walk over to the railing where we can look out at the ocean.
"I think Kevin is finally warming up to you," he says.
Evan sneaks a peek at me. I'm looking at the bluish, green sea. We stand there together. He puts his arm around my waist.
"I've been thinking. Something had to happen to make Kevin not like me," I state.
"We're still on that subject?" he chuckles.
"It's really bothering me!" I laugh.
His face turns serious, "well there's one thing I know about Kevin, but I'm sure it's nothing."
"What is it," I ask.
"I can't tell."
"Why not?" I look at him.
"I can't," he grins then kisses me.
I kiss back and we both pull away breathless. My hands are on his chest.
"Maybe if you become his friend somehow he'll tell you," Evan adds.
Although I want to know, I know my boundaries. I drop the subject.
"Guys! We're ready to go!" We jog back to the bus and get in.
30 minutes later we're at the park where the band is going to play. It's 8 o'clock, so I get all my merch out early. I walk to our tent. Kevin is sitting on my stool.
"Hey Kevin," I greet him.
"You going to sell the merch for me?" I laugh.
"Nah. I couldn't do that," he gets up, "well better go get our set ready. We're the first to play."
He walks off. I put the table up by myself. I can't put the tent up though. It's too big for me. I see Alix coming over with a box of stuff.
"Alix! Can you help me with this tent?" I flag him over.
Together we get the tent up.
I turn to him, "what's in the box?"
"Oh, some free stickers we're giving out today," he shows me one, "see. They're little ghosts." he laughs.
He hands me one, "here put this on your shirt."
I peel off the back and slap it on my shirt, "should I hand these out?"
"Yep. To anyone who purchases an item," he wonders off to who knows where.
By the time we're ready it's 10:30. They start letting people through the gates at this time. I see the band getting their stuff up on stage. Someone pokes my back.
It's Evan, "you ready for today?"
"Yeah. It just gets so lonely and boring here," I smile.
He wraps his arms around me, "I'll try to stop by periodically and say hi."
"Okay," I look up at him and he pecks me on the lips.
"I have to go, but I'll see you at the signing, doll," he starts off towards the stage.
The band has already played their set and already had their signing. Im still sitting here waiting for more people. Some girls start walking towards my tent.
"Are you and Evan dating because we haven't heard anything and we're huge fans," one asks, "we saw you two earlier."
"No," I smile.
"Aww, you guys should be together. You're really pretty. You guys look adorable," she responds.
"Thanks," I smile at them.
"Haven't you heard though? Kevin is said to be gay for Evan. People ship it all around," the other girl adds.
"Well no I haven't..."
"Yeah. Nobody knows for sure though," she flings her hands up.
"As I was saying," the first girl chimes back in, "you guys would look cute," she glares at her friend.
"Our next band is about to play. Nice talking to you," she and her friend take off together.
I sit there a little puzzled on what just happened.

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