{Chapter Six}

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I wake up on the couch with a horrible headache. I sit up and pain shoots through my head instantly. I put my head in my hands. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on Evan's lap but he's nowhere to be seen. Actually the whole band is nowhere to be seen. I go to get up off the couch, but stop when I hear a snore coming from Kevin's bed. I giggle a bit.

I go out the bus door to look around and see where we are. It's pretty barren here except for a Dairy Queen across the street. I go back into the bus to get money. I leave a note for Kevin so he knows where I went. I end up coming back out with a wad of money. I make my way across the street to the Dairy Queen. My head hurts, but I'm starving and I'll do anything for food. I open the door and walk in. I see the others eating some food in a booth. I walk over to them.

"Hey guys."

They all stare at me.

"Hey," Manny coughs out.

"Uh, what happened? Did someone die?" I chuckle at my joke.

Nobody responds at my joke. They all look blankly around. Even Evan won't look at me. I frown.

"Do you remember last night?" Evan interrupts the silence.

"Well... I remember getting drinks with Kevin then I came back obviously, but that's all I remember," I answer.

"Yeah. You were tanked," Alix comments.


"Yeah. I have never seen you that drunk in my life," Alister chips in.

"Ye-ah..." I stutter out, "Im going to get some food and go back to the bus."

I walk away from the table. I feel like a let down. I order a hotdog and head out to the bus. When I get there I'm surprised to see Kevin up.

"Hi," he says with his morning voice.

He has no shirt on. My eyes go wide when he turns to me.

"Uh, hello," I look him up and down.

"Damn my head hurts like a bitch," he mutters.

He has a happy trail and abs. I would've never thought... I shake the thought. I have a boyfriend. Well lately it's been different between Evan and I. I still shake the thought out of my head.

I look around awkwardly, "so..."

"Do you remember last night? because I sure fucking don't," he rubs his eyes.

His hair is all messed up. I almost forget about the food.

"Oh hey I got you food," I mention.

"Thanks," he grabs the bag from my hand. I'm still in a haze.

He's hot. Stop you have a boyfriend.

I start hitting my head. Not hard of course, but just enough to knock out the thoughts.

"You okay?" He asks a little confused.

"Oh yeah. I have a bitching headache," I blurt out.

"Okay?" He laughs.

Kevin sits on the couch. I stand awkwardly. He pats the couch for me to sit with him. I take a seat next to him and begin to eat my hamburger. We eat in silence. When we finish, I throw away the bags outside the bus. I walk back in and my jaw drops in an instant.
Kevin has no pants on. And no underwear. All I see is his ass.

He turns towards me, but immediately turns back around, "WOAH SHIT. You scared me."

I whip myself around and my face goes tomato red. I cover my eyes with my hand. I saw penis. Straight up penis.

"Alright, I'm done. You can look."

He smirks when I look at him, "taking it you've never seen penis before?" He grins.

"I'm just going to leave now," I open the door while waving at him.

I go back into Dairy Queen. I sit next to Evan and put my head on his shoulder. I still have Kevin's body in my head. Great.
Eventually we get back on the road to head to the next stop. The band is back to the normal now. They all talk about what's going to happen at the next show. Evan let's me lay on his lap. I look on my phone most of the time. Evan runs his fingers through my hair.

"Hey babe? How is your head," Evan questions me. He has a frown on his face and raises his eyebrow at Kevin.

Kevin just shrugs it off.

"It feels a lot better," I look up at him.

He leans over and kisses me. I end up falling asleep on his lap again.
I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. Evan is sitting up with his head propped on his hand. The bus is stopped again, but this time it's at the venue. I sit up and stretch. I decide to get up so I can get ready for the day. I grab my clothes and get in the shower. It's nice and warm. I didn't have a blanket on last night so my skin feels super cold. after my shower I get my clothes on and put some make up on. I normally don't wear make up but today is different. I put on one the best outfits I have. I want to impress Evan. The past few days haven't been the greatest between him and I. Especially the drinking incident.

I come out of the bathroom feeling better than ever. Evan is gone. I figure he has gone outside to get stuff up and running. They're usually are one of the first shows of the day. I grab whatever I need for the day, walk outside, and head out to where we're setting up.

Evan is putting up the tent, Kevin is sitting on the stool listening to music, and Manny and Alix are talking. Alister is drawing as usual. I smile at them.

"Hey guys," I wave.

Kevin looks up at me, smiles, then looks back down at his phone.

"Hey babe," Evan walks over.

I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. He holds my waist.

"Woah you two lovebirds. Calm down," kevin smirks at me.

I stick my tongue out at him.

"You look especially beautiful today," Evan grins.

"Thanks babe."

I walk behind the table to where Kevin is sitting.

"Move," i playfully push his shoulder.

"Calm down maleficent," he laughs, "get it? Because your name is Millicent."

I roll my eyes. He puts his hands up in surrender then gets up. I take a seat on my stool. Evan comes back up to me.

"Hey, so tonight the boys are going to get dinner at a restaurant. I was wondering if you'd stay in the bus with me instead?" He suggests.

I bite my lip, "of course."

"Okay. I'll come get you later. Right now I have to get ready for the show," he winks at me and walks off.

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