Family Casualty

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Disclaimer I will be using Google translate for their Sokovia language.
"Regular talking"
"Sokovia language"

Sokovia a small country barley noticable on the map. Sokovia is in the middle of a war between America and Russia.

This created problems of famine, and crime to rise. In the minx of the battling held the family the Maximoff. A peaceful family that wanted nothing more than to keep each other safe.

Magda Eisenhardt–Maximoff, Fegrik Maximoff the mother and father of three beautiful children. Pietro her oldest.

He was protective of his siblings, always took the blame. He stood at 4"9 towering over his siblings at ten.

Magda's second child Wanda. A beautiful girl with the same protective instincts as her older twin. She's a smart and courageous girl that does anything for family.

And lastly the baby of the family, Perseus or Percy so he likes to be called. He's loyal and very caring like his sister a trait, they share other than great beauty.

They live in a rundown apartment living off of the little food that they can afford. Their home was a small apartment with two bedrooms and one bath.
Magda tries her best to support her children with whatever they need.

Today was a special day because it was Percy's birthday. The boy was turning six, but their not only celebrating his birthday, but to many more years of living.

The family gathered in the small kitchen over a seagreen icing cake.
"Všetko najlepšie, Percy!" The family wished the boy. (Happy birthday Percy)

"Ďakujem veľmi pekne, rodina." Percy hugged his family and blew out the candles afterwards. (Thank you very much, family)

Wanda and Pietro watch as their younger brother stuffed his face with cake having no idea how it got in his hair.

"Baby brother, slow down." Wanda warned him using a, her thick Sokovian accent noticable in her words. She took his plate so he could at least swallow the cake in his mouth.

"Sister, let him enjoy himself." Pietro elbowed his twin sister lightly and watched baby brother with a grin on his face.

Wanda was going to disagree when Percy looked her in the eyes and did his puppy face knowing she couldn't resist. Wanda tried to look away, but her brother bright seagreen eyes were alluring.

"Fine.." She set the plate back on the table. "Just please, slow down." Magda and Fegrik watched the display in front of them smiling at how their kids care for each other.

"Alright, it's time for bed all of you." Magda placed what was left of the cake away from Percy's visual range.

The older kids cleaned up and went to their shared room. Magda and Fegrik staying the kitchen to clean the mess when the building started to shake and rumble.

Pietro jumped from his bed with his younger siblings behind him. "Stay here." He told the other two.

Wanda hugged Percy to herself as Pietro made his way out the door. Magda and Fegrik stood in the kitchen holding each other for balance.

"Matka otec. Čo sa deje?" Pietro asked his terrified parents. (Mother, father. What's going on?)

"Sweetie choď späť do miestnosti. Teraz!" Magda yelled to her oldest son as the ceiling cracked. (Sweetie go back to your room. Now!)

The ceiling finally gave away and broke a giant billboard fell through the wall and landed on his parents.

Wanda and Percy screamed startling their older brother. Pietro looked at his siblings tears casted down their cheeks.

The ceiling started to crack more and Pietro ran and grabbed his siblings rushing to their room and put himself and his siblings under their bed for protection.


Dun-Duh-Duhh~ Cliffhanger 😱

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